Dr. Barry Peratt | 210 Gildemeister Hall | 507.457.5567 (Voice) | bperatt@winona.edu

Essays on COVID-19


"If science cannot be questioned, it is no longer science. It is propaganda."
--Aaron Rodgers

These essays began as my attempt to organize for myself information which complements and even challenges the government/big-tech/corporate-media enforced narrative on COVID-19. It was not my intent to make them publicly available, but enough people have found them helpful that I was asked to do that.

Since then, I have added a few essays by other authors that I have found particularly helpful. Foremost among these is Vaccines are a Tool, Not a Magic Bullet: If We'd Allowed More Scientific Debate, We Would Have Realize this Earlier [Norman Doidge], which provides perhaps the more clear and comprehensive overview of the COVID debacle that I have yet read.

  1. Perspective on COVID [Peratt]

  2. Perspective on Mask Mandates [Peratt]

  3. Perspective on Mandatory Vaccines [Peratt]

  4. Perspective on the "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated" Narrative [Peratt]

  5. Perspective on the Severity of the Delta Variant [Peratt]

  6. Case Study on the August 10, 2021 New York Times Piece Advocating for Masks in Schools [Peratt]

  7. The Vaccine Moment [Kingsnorth]: a collection of timely essays by Paul Kingsnorth, a former environmental activist and magazine editor, about the authoritarian structure being built around us in the form of a bio-medical security state.

  8. Vaccine Hesitancy [Dr. Norman Doidge]: reading the last three of four paragraphs of each of these excellently crafted essays will help those who are tempted to demonize the vaccine hesitant to understand why a reasonable person might be cautious about this particular vaccine.


Winona State University, 175 West Mark Street, Winona, MN 55987
Phone 507.457.5370 | Fax 507.457.5376
Page maintained by Barry Peratt