Dr. Barry Peratt | 210 Gildemeister Hall | 507.457.5567 (Voice) | 507.457.5376 (Fax) | bperatt@winona.edu


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"Unbelief is not an intellectual problem resulting from a lack of evidence...it is a spiritual problem resulting from a lack of willingness to surrender to Him who is the Truth."---Nelson Purdue

You may have recently read an article about me in the Winonan.  Given my experience with reporters, I expected to be selectively quoted and quoted out of context, so I insisted on an e-mail interview in which everything I said was written down.  Here is the complete and unedited version of the comments I provided to Sophia Sailer of the Winonan on October 14, 2021, so that you may judge for yourself how well her article represents my position.