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Chem 425

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In lab and in class we are talking about acid rain and its effects.  Here are some web sites with additional information about acid rain and its effects.  As you are looking through these sites consider the following questions:   1) What causes acid rain? 2) Why are some areas more susceptible to acid rain than others?  3) Are we susceptible to the effects of acid rain here in Southern Minnesota, why or why not?  4) What chemical substances are responsible for acid rain and how do they react in the atmosphere?  5) If a lake is damaged by acid rain, what can be done chemically to restore it?  When considering your answers think also what the relevant equilibria that are involved are.

EPA Acid Rain: A web page about the basics of acid rain, its sources, and its effects

Information about what the US government is doing about acid rain:  Includes information about emission program run by the EPA


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                          Acid.gif (1175 bytes) Air Quality in MN Web site contains general information about the environment in MN including air quality issues such as acid rain put out by the Pollution Control Agency

Frequently Asked Questions about Acid Rain This web site explains what acid rain is, where it comes from, and what it's effects are.

The effects of Acid Rain in Norway

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