Course Information wsulogo.gif (1662 bytes)

Chemistry 425, Analytical Chemistry 1 is the first course of a two semester sequence in Analytical Chemistry.  Analytical Chemistry 1 discusses fundamental wet laboratory techniques with a heavy emphasis on good quality control techniques.  We will discuss the basics of experimental design, statistics, and sampling in addition to more traditional topics such as acid-base, redox, and precipitation reactions and the basics of spectroscopy. It is a useful course for anyone anticipating working in a laboratory setting.  Generally about half of the students come from the Biology department with interests as varied as medicine, field biology, and medical technology.  Chemistry 425 is a laptop class.  All students should have easy access to a computer of some sort.

For those people planning ahead, Chemistry 426, Analytical Chemistry 2, is the course that all instrumentation is discussed.  This also is a useful course for both Chemistry majors and non-Chemistry majors.

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