Forensic Chemistry
 Lab Format

cartoon of Sherlock Holmes


Each lab experiment that you do in this class will ask you to make a conclusion as to  whether the evidence collected points to the guilt or innocence of a suspect or suspects.  (Of course we know that while one piece of evidence points one direction, there may be other pieces of evidence that contradict this.) The purpose of the lab report is to give the supporting information for your conclusion.


Before the lab:  Each lab requires a pre-lab completed prior to entering the lab.  Usually this will consist of the purpose of the experiment, basic experimental steps to be employed, and safety information on any chemicals that will be used.  This will be turned in for a signature at the beginning of lab.


During Lab: Follow the written procedure for the experiment with your partner.  Record any data and observations in your notebook.  You will need one notebook per pair of students.  Answer the questions as appropriate on the "report to be handed in" as lab proceeds.  Longer, more involved questions on this report form should be answered outside of class after the experiment has concluded. 


Lab Report:  The lab report will consist of one legible completed "report to be handed in" per group with original signatures.  The yellow pages from your notebook should also be turned in along with any supplementary information such as references used, graphs and tables used in your conclusion, etc.  Each student should also turn in a team contribution form filled out individually.