Sample Conservation Exam 1

1. Birth rate
a) is the difference between fertility and death rates.
b) accounts for differences in migration between countries.
c) has a world replacement level of 3.5.
*d) none of the above

2. An example of a gaseous biogeochemical cycle is
a) phosphorus.
*b) nitrogen.
c) water.
d) respiration.

3. An animal that feeds only on plants is a(n)
*a) herbivore.
b) autotroph.
c) parasite.
d) omnivore.

4. Because its population is growing rapidly, Mexico probably has a(n)
a) low fertility rate.
b) old average marriage age.
*c) age structure dominated by young age groups.
d) all of the above

5. Most of the phosphorus reserves are located in the
a) atmosphere.
*b) rocks.
c) water.
d) living plants and animals.

6. The movement of energy through an ecosystem differs from the movement of matter
through an ecosystem because, unlike matter,
a) energy can be both created and destroyed.
b) energy is not essential for life to exist.
*c) considerable amounts of energy are lost to the environment as heat.
d) energy can be reused or recycled many times.

7. Organic chemicals are found in
a) lizards.
b) coal.
c) rotting logs.
*d) all of the above

Some very neat food chain drawing would be here!

8. How many trophic levels are illustrated by the above diagram?
a) 5
*b) 4
c) 3
d) 2

9. What role does the snake have in the illustration in #8?
a) secondary producer
*b) secondary consumer
c) primary consumer
d) tertiary consumer

10. During ecological succession, pioneer species are joined and gradually replaced by
a) highways, condominiums, and fast-food restaurants.
b) dirt.
*c) equilibrium species.
d) none of the above, because there is no such thing as succession

11. What type of succession takes place in a soil-covered area where all life has been destroyed?
a) primary
*b) secondary
c) tertiary
d) quaternary

12. What keeps raising the earth's carrying capacity for humans?
a) famine
b) disease
*c) cultural evolution
d) war

13. Most recycling in ecosystems is done by
a) consumers.
*b) decomposers.
c) humans.
d) producers.

14. A measurement of the rate at which plants use photosynthesis to convert solar
energy into chemical energy stored in plant tissues is
*a) primary productivity.
b) abiotic productivity.
c) secondary productivity.
d) kinetic productivity.

15. Most nitrogen reserves are located in the
a) water.
b) soil.
c) rocks.
*d) atmosphere.

16. The First Law of Human Ecology is
a) we can never do merely one thing.
*b) everything is interconnected with everything else.
c) adaptation is inevitable.
d) moldy leftovers can always be found in the back of the refrigerator.

17. A niche refers to
a) the dead remains of plants and animals eaten by detritivores.
*b) a species' role in an ecosystem.
c) an early warning that an ecosystem is being damaged.
d) a species that has been introduced into an ecosystem.

18. According to the second law of energy, low-quality heat energy
a) can be concentrated and converted into other forms.
b) is more useful than other types.
*c) is produced every time energy is changed from one form into another.
d) is conserved within an ecosystem.

19. The direction of winds blowing across an ecosystem is influenced by
a) rotation of the earth.
b) topographical features.
c) the ecosystem's latitude.
*d) all of the above

20. Which of the following is considered today to be an environmental problem?
a) pollution
b) increased resource use
c) increased human population
*d) all of the above

21. Inorganic molecules are not found in
a) living organisms.
b) dead organisms.
c) things that were never once alive.
*d) none of the above

22. The law of conservation of matter states that matter
a) cannot be changed from one form to another.
b) has mass and occupies space.
*c) cannot be created nor destroyed.
d) caves into itself to produce anti-matter, just like on Star Trek.

23. The total amount of pollution in the environment is dependent on
a) population size.
b) resource use per person.
c) pollution per unit of resource consumed.
*d) all of the above

24. An important aspect of food web dynamics is that, as one gets higher up or further
along the web,
a) there is less available energy.
b) usually fewer animals can occupy the higher trophic levels.
*c) both of the above
d) none of the above.

25. A dramatic change in _____ has led to today's rapid increase in human
a) birth rate
*b) death rate
c) fertility rate
d) migration rate

26. Carbon leaves food webs via the process of _____ and enters via
the process of ____.
*a) respiration, photosynthesis
b) photosynthesis, respiration
c) photosynthesis, decarbonation
d) nitrogen fixation, respiration

27. Primary succession
a) begins where no soil is present.
b) is initiated by pioneer species.
c) begins more slowly than other types of succession.
*d) all of the above

28. The process of economic development reducing birth rates
a) has already been completed in most African nations.
*b) is very difficult to achieve in most underdeveloped countries.
c) is a consequence of declining migration rates from developing to developed
d) is beginning in Germany.

29. Policies that may reduce family size include
a) delayed marriage.
b) greater job opportunities for women.
c) old age pensions.
*d) all of the above

30. The carrying capacity of an ecosystem for an organism is set typically by some
a) maximum sustained yield.
b) decomposer.
*c) limiting factor.
d) age structure.

31. Deserts, grasslands, and forests are general types of
a) ecosystems.
b) estuaries.
c) biomes.
*d) both a and c

32. The abiotic portion of an ecosystem includes
a) decomposers.
*b) inorganic chemicals.
c) consumers.
d) both a and c

33. The world's largest natural deserts occur
a) along an equatorial belt circling the earth.
*b) at 30 degrees north and south latitude.
c) on the downwind side of mountains.
d) on the upwind side of mountains.

34. China's population control program is characterized by
a) centralized family planning.
b) increased women's rights.
*c) economic incentives and disincentives.
d) lack of any effect on population growth.

35. Bacteria are the driving force behind which biogeochemical cycle?
*a) nitrogen
b) phosphate
c) carbon
d) hydrologic

36. The official goal of family planning is to
a) provide women with legal abortions.
b) encourage couples to want fewer children.
*c) help couples have only as many children as they want when they want.
d) assist couples in having enough children to care for them in their old age.

37. Species in climax communities
a) are tolerant of very harsh conditions.
b) begin the successional process.
c) are pioneers.
*d) change so slowly that we can barely detect the change.

38. The amount of heat present in an ecosystem is influenced mostly by the
a) animals living there.
*b) tilt of the earth's axis in relation to the sun.
c) closeness of that ecosystem to a large body of water.
d) uneven distribution of geologic features on the earth's surface.


39. IUD d
40. China a
41. fertility rate e
42. India b

a) economic penalties for too many babies
b) centralized family planning
c) zero population growth
d) birth control device
e) 2.3-2.4 replacement level

Conservation News Questions

43. cowbirds d
44. Minnesota e
45. U.S. Great Lakes c
46. 6th grade class b

a) huge iceberg resulting from abnormal warming
b) purchased air pollution allowances
c) overly restrictive wetlands regulations?
d) linked to declining songbird populations
e) new regulations restricting chemical discharges


47. Spain e
48. Yellowstone National Park d
49. Goodhue County, MN a
50. Norway b

a) nuclear waste storage for Northern States Power Company
b) research hunt for baby seals
c) money to study woodpeckers destroying utility poles
d) wolf reintroduction
e) fishing conflict with Canada