1. To eliminate hunger and malnourishment in the world within the next 25 years, world food production will have to at least
*a) double.
b) triple.
c) quadruple.
d) increase tenfold.

2. Because they develop in areas with a considerable amount of rainfall, ______________ soils have a(n) ______________ horizon.
a) alfisol, B
b) mollisol, E
*c) alfisol, E
d) mollisol, B

3. Secondary pollutants
a) have not been modified in the atmosphere.
*b) are most common in warm, dry, sunny climates.
c) are an important component of industrial smog.
d) all of the above

4. The 2-5°C global warming predicted to result from the greenhouse effect is being attributed mostly to increases in atmospheric concentrations of the gas
a) sulfur dioxide.
b) methane.
*c) carbon dioxide.
d) nitrogen.

5. The most promising short-term method of making more food available for humans is to
a) simplify diets.
b) catch more ocean fish.
c) fabricate foods.
*d) develop higher-yield strains of crops.

6. Compared to an area just upstream, a river at the point of introduction of untreated sewage would have a __________ dissolved oxygen content, _____________ biological oxygen demand, and __________ fecal coliform bacteria count.
a) higher, lower higher
b) lower, lower, higher
c) higher, higher, lower
*d) lower, higher, higher

7. The Clean Water Act and its ammendments
*a) set effluent standards for industry.
b) have been ineffective in reducing water pollution.
c) provided funds to cities for demolition of sewage treatment facilities.
d) greatly reduced nonpoint source pollution.

8. Maintaining adequate supplies of freshwater for humans will require
a) an increase in per capita consumption.
b) increased use of spray irrigation systems.
*c) reservoir construction to retain waters that fall during rainy seasons.
d) permitting old water-use laws to remain in effect.

9. Ocean dumping
a) poses a greater threat to humans than incineration of garbage.
*b) is cheaper than on-land disposal.
c) has little, if any, effect on ocean communities.
d) is currently allowed only 100 miles offshore.

10. Which of the following would not be a characteristic of an environmentally sound pesticide?
a) rapidly degradable
b) highly specific
*c) biological magnification in food web
d) no development of resistance

11. High-yield crop strains
a) are less expensive than lower-yield varieties.
b) are more pest- and disease-resistant than other strains.
*c) may require more fertilizer to get the high yields.
d) all of the above

12. Groundwater pollution is best controlled by
a) pumping out and cleaning the water.
b) pumping air into the aquifers.
c) regulating withdrawal of water for consumption.
*d) protecting recharge areas.

13. Compared to the rest of the world, crop losses in the U.S. resulting from pests and diseases are
a) much lower because of heavy pesticide use.
*b) pretty much the same.
c) much higher because high yield crop strains are weaker.
d) much higher because of imported pests and diseases.

14. Fabricated foods include
a) kwashiorkor.
b) ye-ed.
c) marasmus.
*d) none of the above

15. An example of a secondary pollutant is
a) sulfur dioxide.
b) nitric oxide.
c) carbon monoxide.
*d) ozone.

16. Biological oxygen demand is a measure of the
a) number of intestinal bacteria in a water supply.
b) amount of oxygen dissolved in water.
*c) rate at which decomposers use dissolved oxygen.
d) inorganic pollutants present in the water.

17. Methods commonly in use today to make freshwater available to people in different parts of the world include
a) reversing the flow of rivers.
*b) desalination.
c) towing icebergs.
d) a and c

18. Soil erosion can be controlled partially by
a) compacting the soil with heavy machinery.
b) fall plowing of agricultural lands.
c) forestry management practices such as clearcutting.
*d) contour farming.

19. The most fertile soils are
a) alfisols.
b) oxisols.
*c) mollisols.
d) laterisols.

20. In mechanized agriculture, the ratio of energy used to energy gained from crops is
a) 1:1.
b) 3:1.
c) 1:9.
*d) 9:1.

21. The type of soil present in a particular area is dependent upon the
a) parent material.
b) climate.
c) period of weathering.
*d) all of the above

22. From which soil horizon do plants obtain their nutrients?
a) E
b) B
*c) A
d) none of the above

23. The Dust Bowl that occurred in the U.S. Great Plains area in the early 1930's led to the establishment of the
a) Environmental Protection Agency.
b) National Park Service.
c) Air Pollution Control Federation.
*d) Soil Conservation Service.

24. In the U.S., we use approximately how many gallons of water per day per person (including home, agricultural, and industrial uses)?
a) 5
b) 90
*c) 2,000
d) 250,000

25. What areas are most susceptible to acid deposition?
a) those with lots of lakes
b) those upwind from pollution sources
*c) those with soils with poor buffering capacity
d) all of the above

26. Thermal inversions and their accompanying pollution problems occur on an almost daily basis in
a) Winona.
*b) Los Angeles.
c) Chicago.
d) Cleveland.

27. In an industrialized agricultural system, the majority of the energy supplements used to grow crops comes from
a) beasts of burden.
*b) fossil fuels.
c) humans.
d) none of the above

28. Heated water from power plants or other industries can adversely affect life in surface waters by
*a) altering food webs.
b) raising dissolved oxygen.
c) protecting thermally sensitive species.
d) a and c

29. Photochemical smog
a) is worst at night.
b) contains lots of particulate matter.
*c) is comprised largely of secondary pollutants.
d) occurs mostly in cities with a cool, moist climate.

30. In the U.S., most of the primary pollutants come from
a) transportation.
b) stationary fuel combustion.
*c) natural sources.
d) industry.

31. What is the chief cause of hunger and malnutrition in the world today?
*a) poverty
b) culture
c) poor distribution
d) eating too high on the food chain

32. The largest source of water pollution in the U.S. is
a) waste from chemical industries.
b) sewage.
*c) sediments from land erosion.
d) salts from evaporation of irrigation waters.

33. The three plants that feed most of the people in the world are
a) rice, soybean, and potato.
b) wheat, winged bean, and rice.
*c) wheat, rice, and corn.
d) corn, potato, and rice.

34. A thermal temperature inversion occurs when
a) strong winds mix surface air.
b) cooler air rests on top of warmer air near the earth's surface.
*c) warmer air rests on top of cooler air near the earth's surface.
d) surface air is very unstable.

35. Nonpoint source pollution
a) originated from clearly identifiable sources.
b) is unrelated to human activities.
*c) is more difficult to control than point source.
d) include sewage treatment plant effluents.

36. The greatest single, non-agricultural use of water in the U.S. is for
a) washing automobiles.
b) mining.
*c) power plant cooling.
d) transportation.

37. Which of the following potential effects of water or air pollution poses the least danger to humankind?
a) major ecosystem disruption
b) crop productivity reductions
*c) nuisance odors
d) human genetic/reproductive damage

38. According to the National Wildlife Federation, children and women who plan to have children should limit their consumption of Lake Michigan fish to
a) one meal per day.
b) one meal per week.
c) one meal per month.
*d) zero meals (not eat any fish from the lake).

True or False.

T 39. Compared with surface freshwater supplies, groundwaters are more slowly recycled.

F 40. One way to reduce the severity of the acid deposition problem would be to burn more coal instead of less abundant fuels.

F 41. The most serious problem associated with oil ocean pollution is the clean-up cost.

T 42. Most of the volume of a typical soil is comprised of air and water.

T 43. Eutrophication of lakes is accelerated by phosphates and nitrates.

F 44. Pittsburg suffers predominantly from photochemical smog.

F 45. Groundwater contamination is a problem only in urban areas.

F 46. Krill is a type of nutritious plant being developed for human use.

F 47. Soils with equal amounts of sand and silt, with a little less clay, are termed alfisols.

T 48. The level at which soils become saturated with water is called the water table.

F 49. Solid waste management in the United States depends mostly on recycling.

F 50. Ocean pollution poses a serious threat because it is most severe in the open ocean, where it interferes with commercial fishing.

Extra Credit Essay, worth up to 5% of total exam value

Only 44% of the world's potential cropland is now under cultivation. Describe five (5) reasons why more land is not being used to grow crops.