Short, Internet-based
Environmental Issue Paper

BIOL 104
The Environment, Society, and Conservation

What is it?

It is a short paper summarizing an environmental issue of your choice, and expressing your personal, educated opinion on that issue.  You can either do this assignment individually, or in groups of up to 3 people.  General papers tend to lack "oomph", so try to be as specific with your topic as possible. For example, a paper on "Water Pollution" will probably not have as much impact as one on "Water Pollution Caused by Leaking Underground Storage Tanks in Minnesota". Try to include the pros and cons of the issue, and include solutions and/or alternatives if they apply.

What do we need to do for it?

You will need to locate and read a
minimum of five articles from the Internet/World Wide Web for background information on the issue so you can summarize it and form an educated opinion.

What should this paper look like?

It will be
2 to 3 pages in length (not less than 2 full pages or more than 3 full pages, standard 8-1/2 inch by 11 inch paper), and it will be typed (1 inch margins all around, double-spaced, 10 or 12 size font). I require that the paper have two, labeled sections: SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND INFORMATION and MY OPINION (or OUR OPINIONS). Include a separate cover page that includes your paper title, your name(s), course number, and date. Your Internet sources should be listed on an additional page at the back. Include the title and Internet addresses for your sources, so that someone else could find them and read them if they so desired. If you do the paper as a group, include the following statement at the end of your paper, and sign your names below it: We, the undersigned, participated equally in the development and writing of this paper.  Download and print a copy of the grade sheet and attach it at the end of your paper. Do not enclose your paper in a binder or folder, as they either fall off or I take them off to give to my dog (no not really, since my dog doesn't want them either!). A single staple (not a paper clip or some fancy tear-and-fold procedure) in the upper left hand corner of your completed paper is all that is required.

How will this paper be evaluated?

I will grade your paper primarily (75%) on how well you summarize and present material on your selected topic. Your personal opinion will
not be graded, but it must be present to receive credit. The remaining 25% of your paper grade will be based on how closely your paper conforms to the guidelines listed in the paragraph above. In other words, read and follow all instructions. If your paper is too long or too short or is missing something, you will lose points.

When is this thing due?

Your paper will be due on Monday, 21 June 2010. I will accept your paper any time before the deadline.
Papers turned in after the deadline will receive 0 points. Please plan ahead so that, just in case the computer eats your file or the printer dies, your completed paper will still be turned in by the deadline.


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