Location: Burns Valley Creek and Gilmore Creek
Objective: Assess general habitat characteristics of two sites on different streams in Winona
Hypothesis: Physical and chemical characteristics do not differ between Burns Valley Creek and Gilmore Creek

1) General description of stream - watershed characteristics (natural area, residential, agricultural, industrial, obvious pollution sources), vegetation, animals present, weather conditions

2) Measurement of physical characteristics:

a) Take multiple measurements of width, water depth, water temperature, and conductivity (p. 54-58)

b) Determine the flow rate by measuring current velocities at 0.6-depth at 12 points spaced equally across a stream transect; record the stream width, the 12 velocity measurements, and the total stream depths where the velocities were measured

c) Determine substrate composition by identifying the major substrate types in square-foot patches across five or more stream transects. Use the following guide:

Bedrock - large mass of solid rock

Boulder - over 10" in diameter

Rubble - 2" to 10" in diameter

Gravel - 1/8" to 2" in diameter

Sand - less than 1/8" in diameter

Silt - fine material with little grittiness

Clay - compact, sticky material

Muck - decomposed organic matter, usually black

Detritus - organic matter, e.g., sticks, leaves, etc.

3) Measurement of chemical characteristics - Take multiple measurements of dissolved oxygen, nitrates, and hardness (p. 63-76)

1) Calculate means and standard deviations for width, depth, water temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, nitrates, and hardness, and statistically compare the means between sites using two-tailed t tests.

2) Calculate flow estimates (cubic meters per second) for each site.

3) Use a contingency table to compare substrate composition between the two sites.

Meter tapes, conductivity meter, meter sticks, bucket, digital thermometer, current meter, DO meter, nitrate and hardness test kits, waders!