Discussion Grade Sheet


Names of discussants:  






              Were the discussants

                            prepared?                                        Yes            No

              Was the news presented

                            in an organized manner?              Yes            No



              Did the discussants speak clearly?           Yes            No

              Did the discussants keep your

                            attention?                                         Yes            No


              Did the discussants keep

                            things moving ?                              Yes            No

              Did the discussants do a good job of

                            encouraging participation?          Yes            No



              Was all the material relevant to

                            the class?                                          Yes            No

              Did the discussants cover a variety

                            of material?                                       Yes            No

Knowledge of Material                                                                                                                   

              Did the discussants understand

                            the material?                                     Yes            No


Overall Quality

           Would you consider this to be

            one of the best discussions you've

            witnessed?                                                     Yes            No

Rating:              Excellent                 Good              Average              Poor


Questions and Comments: