BIOL 404/504 Ichthyology Ð Lab







Lab Exam Ð Students will be tested on fish taxonomy, fish identification, and fish anatomy (external and internal) using a lab exam scheduled during the first third of the semester.  The lab exam date is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, 13 Feb.  It will cover basic fish anatomy, fish taxonomy, and fish identification.


Higher Level Fish Taxonomy for Lab and Lecture

Fish Classification Dendrogram for Lab

Species list for lab

Key for identifying fish on the species list


Lab Exercises Ð Several exercises will be undertaken to determine fish age using various anatomical structures, to assess reproductive condition and fecundity, to examine winter diets, and to investigate fish/habitat associations in area waters.  Students will be required to complete brief worksheets for each exercise, and analyze and summarize the class data.


Morphometrics and Merisitics Lab Exercise


Reproductive Condition and Fecundity Lab Exercise


Fish Winter Diets Lab Exercise


Fish Community Assessments - Field work!


Fish Scale Lab Exercise