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Project 2-Business Web Sites-MIS 412 Spring 2013


You will work in groups on this project.
The purpose of this project is to experience how important web sites and web technology are to businesses and organizations.
This will be done by having you work to review, analyze or propose changes to a web site.

Possible Projects

  Project Description Contact url
11 Hospital Websites- Level 1 Create model hospital website Prof Paulson http://studentwebs.winona.edu/rhull09/
12 Hospital Websites- Level 2 Create model hospital website Prof Paulson http://studentwebs.winona.edu/ssadiq09/
13 Hospital Websites- Level 3 Create model hospital website Prof Paulson http://mis412.cloudaccess.net/
14 Hospital Websites- Level 4 Create model hospital website Prof Paulson http://studentwebs.winona.edu/jdienger08/


(25) Step 1: Form a Team before the end of class-Thursday, 1/24/2013- Each team must complete and submit this form. by 8am Saturday 1/26/2013

See Team Submissions

This project will be done by a team of about 4 people maximum.

Each team

Group Topic Notes Members
11 Hospital Websites Level 1  
12 Hospital Websites Level 2  
13 Hospital Websites Level 3  
14 Hospital Websites Level 4  

Hospital website analysis done in the following parts-
step two- starting 1/29, each group is assigned 10 random hospital websites (one per hospital in a hospital system of which each group will have 2 hospital systems) to evaluate using the Tool provided.
by 8am Saturday Feb 2nd the first 2/10 evaluations are due. and 2 per week are due in the next 4 weeks. (completed by 8am March 2nd)
Professors Paulson/Ornes/Snyder will start to review tally results for the forty hospitals in Levels 1, 2,3,4 on 2/3,

step three- by March 12 student groups then takes the hosptials in a given level and create a model website for that Level based on the criteria and the hospital websites in that level.

step four-draft website due by 8am 4/6/13

step five-final website due by 8am 5/4/13


(50) Step 2: Review the Problem - discuss in class Thursday, 1/31/2013- Each team must complete and submit this form by 8am Saturday, 2/2/2013

 Hospital websites:
starting 1/29, Groups 11 to 14 are assigned 10 random hospital websites from the 2012 Most Wired Hospital list (one per hospital in a hospital system of which each group will have 2 hospital systems) to evaluate using the Website Engagement Tool provided.(Word document 'WebsiteEngagementTool......docx found in ReadOnly folder in class storage)
by 8am Saturday Feb 2nd the first 2/10 evaluations are due. and 2 per week are due in the next 4 weeks. (completed by 8am March 2nd)
Upload to D2L dropbox "Project2ProgressReport"- one evaluation form per hospital.

See Submitted Problem Statements

(50) Step 3: Progress report- discuss in class Thursday, 2/28/2013

Groups 11 to 14 hospital websites:
All 10 hospital website evaluations are due, and uploaded to D2L dropbox "Project2ProgressReport"- one evaluation form per hospital.

Form Feedback

Begin with Level 1, Section 1 General, check each characteristic that is present. Must add specific comments with supporting evidence, including hyperlinks. If you check all boxes in a section, write one sentence for each characteristic in a section.
Proceed next to Level 2, Section 1 General, again checking each characteristic that is present. Must add comments as required.
Proceed next to Level 3, then Level 4. Complete Section 1.
Then repeat the above process for Section 2, Section 3 and Section 4.

View recording:

Save the website evaluation for each hospital with the number and hospital included, as in "01AcadiaHospitalWebsiteEvaluation.docx"

Each group must upload a copy of their completed Progress Report(s) to the D2L Dropbox, "Project2ProgressReport" by 8am Saturday, 3/2/2013

(150) Step 4: Develop Draft Presentation/Model Website - website created by class Thursday March 7th, review/discuss in class Thursday, 4/4/2013

Submit the url of your public draft website using this form.

Groups 11 to 14 will be developing a 'model' website for their level, based on the criteria in the WebsiteEngagementTool.
Use the website evaluation tool as a guide for the level.

One student from each group will be responsible for hosting the model website on their WSU 'Studentwebs' website. This website must be functional by Thursday, March 7th by the end of class.
For details on accessing Studentwebs, see: http://learn.winona.edu/DFS

Project2 Website URLs

Each group must upload a copy of their completed Progress Report to the D2L Dropbox, "Project2DraftPresentation" by 8am Saturday 4/6/2013.

(200) Step 5: Deliver Final Presentation during class the week of 4/29/2013

Presentation Guidelines:
Your PowerPoint or Prezi presentation must be a minimum of 5 minutes in duration, maximum of 12 minutes.
You can present a video, as long as the video is 5 minutes or less in duration.
Total for PowerPoint, Prezi and video duration is 12 minutes maximum.
You must allow time for questions, plan on 5 minutes of questions.

Teams 3, 4, 5, 11 will present on Tuesday, 4/30/2013
Teams 1, 2, 13, 14 will present on Thursday, 5/2/2013

All students must be present on both presentation days.

Each group must upload a copy of their completed Progress Report to the D2L Dropbox, "Project2FinalPresentation" by 8am Saturday 5/4/2013.

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