To access NMR data for lab do the following:

1. From a PC, click START, choose RUN enter \\STORE\CLASSES and click OK

2. Enter your username and password.

3.  Scroll down to the folder with the class number for your section:

Section 01 20073000952
Section 02 20073000309
Section 03


4. The data you need will be in the read-only folder. You probably should copy it to your desktop for easy access until you are finished with the lab.

To process NMR spectra use Mest-ReC (Magnetic Resonance Companion). You will need to download and install this software on your computer. Make sure to select file type = NUTS when opening a data file.

If you would like to try out the JEOL Delta software for processing NMR files (this is the software that is on the NMR computer) then go to \\Appsrv1\apps\Installs\pc\Chemistry\Data\Delta. Run the delta_win2k-or-xp.exe file. Use the following as the user key (needed to unlock program) AN-TQ-NO-J4-AU.