Chemistry 350 Laboratory - Fall Semester 2011 – Professor T. Nalli, Winona State University

last modified by TN on 11/29/2011

Expt #6. Synthesis of 1,2-Dibromo-1,2-diphenylethane

Relevant textbook readings – Mohrig, Chapter 15. Klein, Chapter 9


The stereoselectivity of alkene bromination will be examined in this experiment. trans-1,2-Diphenylethene (common name trans-stilbene) will be brominated to form 1,2-dibromo-1,2-diphenylethane (eq 1). This product exists as three stereoisomers. You will determine which isomer(s) actually form in the reaction. From this information you will determine if the addition of Br2 is anti, syn, or nonstereoselective.

This lab will also provide your first experience with the process known as "recrystallization". Recrystallization is a standard method for the purification of an organic solid and it is discussed in detail in Chapter 15 in Mohrig.


Because Br2 is very hazardous, we will generate it in situ in small amounts by the reaction of potassium bromate (KBrO3) with HBr (eq 2).

KBrO3      +     6 HBr     —›  3 Br2     +   KBr     +      3 H2O     (2)   

Running the reaction.

Add 0.60 g of trans-stilbene and 10 mL of hexanes to a 25-mL round bottom flask.

Clamp the flask up to a ring stand well back into the fume hood so as to prevent any accidental exposure to Br2fumes that may escape the reaction apparatus. Begin stirring the solution using a magnetic stir bar.

Add 0.40 g KBrO3 to the stirring mixture.

Attach a reflux condenser and make sure water is running through it before going on to the next step.

Quickly add 1.6 mL 48% hydrobromic acid through the top of the reflux condenser to the reaction flask.

Stir the solution for 40 min at room temperature.

To destroy any left-over bromine, add cyclohexene dropwise until there is no trace of the red color of bromine remaining. (No more than 10 drops of should be necessary).

Work-up procedures.

Collect the solid product by vacuum filtration on a pre-weighed Buchner funnel washing with a small amount of ice-cold hexanes. (Hint: use cold hexanes to rinse any crystals that remain in the flask into the funnel.) Leave the vacuum on for a few minutes so as to promote evaporation of the solvent from the solid.

Weigh the funnel with the collected solid and record the yield of crude product in your lab notebook. Save a small sample of the crude for a mp test to be carried out later.

Recrystallize (see Mohrig, Chapter 15) the product from xylenes: Add the crude solid to a 100-mL round bottom flask along with 10 mL of xylenes. Add a few boiling chips, attach a reflux condenser and heat the solution to boiling on a sand bath. Add more xylenes slowly, maintaining boiling, until all of the solid has dissolved. Cool slowly to room temperature and then on ice and collect the crystals on a Buchner funnel. Wash the crystals with 1-2 mL of cold hexanes. Again leave the vacuum on for a few minutes so as to speed the removal of traces of hexanes from the solid.

Weigh the final product and calculate the yield and percent yield.

Characterization of Product (week 2)

Reweigh your crystals in order to check for the possibility that last week's mass included solvent.

Obtain the melting point of the crystalline final product as well as the crude.

Obtain the 1H NMR spectrum. One group will also be asked to obtain a C-13 NMR.


Report - A full report is required for this lab.

Please try to integrate the answers to the assigned questions into your results and conclusions section for this report (rather than answering each sequentially).

Assigned Questions:

  1. Based on the mp as compared to literature values, which stereoisomer of 1,2-dibromo-1,2-diphenylethane was formed? Explain how this result is consistent with the accepted mechanism for bromination of an alkene by Br2.
  2. Note that the mp of the product is quite high at the same time the solubility in organic solvents (e.g., hexane and chloroform) is low. Explain how these facts are related to the structure of the compound.
  3. If all three stereoisomers were formed in the reaction and present in your product, how many dibromo product peaks would show up in the GC-MS chromatogram? Explain.