Chemistry 350 - Principles of Organic Chemistry I
Fall Semester 2019, Winona State University, Dr. Thomas Nalli

Expt 2. Acid/Base Extraction, Mass Spectrometry, and C-13 NMR.

Part 1 - Acid/Base Extraction

Reading Assignment - Mohrig Chapter 10, 11, 12


In this experiment you will learn how to use a separatory funnel for the purpose of carrying out liquid/liquid extraction, a useful separation method commonly referred to as just "extraction". The process of extraction involves intimately mixing a solution with an immiscible extraction solvent so as to allow compounds in the solution to partition between the two liquid layers that form after mixing is discontinued. Compounds that are more soluble in the extraction solvent than in  the original solvent will end up predominantly in that layer, whereas compounds that are less soluble will stay in the original solvent. Water is almost always one of the solvents with the other solvent being an organic compound such as diethyl ether (CH3CH2OCH2CH3) or dichloromethane (CH2Cl2), so the two layers can be referred to simply as the aqueous layer and the organic layer.  Physical separation of the layers then accomplishes the separation of the compounds in the solution based on their solubility characteristics.

Acid/base extraction is a process that allows the separation of organic acids, organic bases, and organic neutral compounds (not an acid or base) from each other based on the solubility differences of the organic acid (or base) and its conjugate base (or conjugate acid). Organic acids such as carboxylic acids (RCOOH), phenols (PhOH), and thiols (RSH), all have an acidic proton that can be deprotonated by aqueous base (usually NaOH) to form a salt form of the acid, which is much more soluble in aqueous solution than in organic solvents, as illustrated by equation 1 for a carboxylic acid. Hence, the carboxylic acid can be extracted from an organic solvent by aqueous NaOH.

                                                           RCOOH  +   NaOH(aq)  →   RCOO-Na+(aq)  +  HOH   (1)

The original carboxylic acid can be retrieved from the aqueous layer by simply neutralizing the base with HCl(aq) and reforming the carboxylic acid (eq 2). The relatively insoluble carboxylic acid often precipitates at this point and can be collected by vacuum filtration.

                                             RCOO-Na+(aq)  +   HCl(aq)  →   RCOOH(s)   +  NaCl(aq)   (2)

Conversely, organic bases (e.g., amines, RNH2, R2NH, or R3N) are protonated by aqueous acid (usually HCl) to form salts that are much more soluble in the aqueous layer (eq 3). Hence, amines can be extracted from an organic solvent by aqueous HCl.

                                                                 RNH2  +   HCl(aq)   →   RNH3+Cl-(aq)    (3)

The original amine is retrieved by treating the aqueous layer with aqueous base (NaOH) so as to deprotonate the salt (eq 4), which often precipitates and can be collected by vacuum filtration.

                                                    RNH3+Cl-(aq)  +   NaOH(aq)   →    RNH2(s)   +  HOH  + NaCl(aq) (4)

Organic compounds that are neither acids or bases do not react with either NaOH or HCl and, therefore remain more soluble in the organic solvent and are not extracted.


You will use an acid/base extraction to separate a 1:1:1 mixture of trans-cinnamic acid, ethyl 4-aminobenzoate (benzocaine), and N,N-diethyl-3-toluamide (DEET).


The mixture given includes an organic acid, an organic base, and a (non-acid non-base) neutral compound. Identify which is which and write equations for the reactions that will occur when the mixture is extracted with HCl and then later with NaOH.  Also, make sure to include a literature pKa value for the acid and pKb for the base in your table of reactants and products.

Experimental Procedures

Pay special attention to the information in chap 11.2 of Mohrig and to the instructions provided by the instructor on the proper use of the separatory funnel. Also see for a nice video tutorial. It is strongly recommended that you label all containers used to contain the various layers separated and solids obtained.

For the numbered steps that follow please recognize that there is no need to go strictly in sequence 1 --> 6. For example a more efficient sequence of steps might be 1 --> 2 --> 5 --> 3 --> 6 --> 4. A flowchart would work well in your prelab plan as a way of organizing the tasks that need to be done.

  1. Dissolve 1.5 g of the provided mixture in 20 mL dichloromethane (DCM).
  2. Acid extraction - Transfer the solution to a separatory funnel, add 15 mL 1M HCl, stopper the funnel and shake gently at first with frequent venting.  As it becomes clear that excessive pressure is not building up, end by shaking vigorously for 30 s or more and then allow the layers to separate. Into separate Erlenmeyer flasks, drain off the bottom layer through the stopcock and then pour out the top layer through the top of the separatory funnel. Label the flasks as to which is organic and which is aqueous and then return the organic layer to the separatory funnel and and extract it with another 15 mL of 1M HCl using the same procedures as before. Combine the aqueous layers from the first two extractions and return the organic layer to the separatory funnel. Extract once more with 1M HCl, combining the obtained aqueous layer with those obtained previously. Label the combined aqueous layers as "HCl extracts".
  3. Base extraction - Return the organic layer to the separatory funnel and extract it with 15 mL of 1M NaOH. Separate the layers as in part 2 and return the organic to the funnel twice more extracting each time with an additional 15 mL of 1M NaOH. Label the combined aqueous layers as "NaOH extracts".
  4. Isolation of neutral substance - Add anhydrous sodium sulfate to the flask containing the organic layer and  allow to stand for 10-15 minutes with occasional swirling. Decant the liquid into a dry round bottom flask. (This process is referred generally referred to as "drying over Na2SO4" - see Chap 12 in Mohrig.) Remove the DCM solvent on the rotary evaporator (Mohrig, Fig 12.7, the instructor or TA will assist with this). Use a Pasteur pipet to transfer as much of the obtained oily liquid as possible into a vial. Weigh and save for week 2.
  5. Isolation of organic base - Carefully add 1M NaOH to the flask containing the HCl extracts so as to neutralize the pH. You can use pH paper to make sure the solution is no longer acidic and/or you can use the formation of precipitate as a gauge. The organic base is only slightly soluble in water so it precipitates as it is reformed from the salt by deprotonation. Thus, maximum precipitate formation indicates complete neutralization. Collect the formed solid by vacuum filtration on a Buchner funnel (Mohrig Chap 10.4). Weigh it and allow it to air dry until week 2.
  6. Isolation of organic acid - Use 1M HCl to neutralize the aqueous layer from the NaOH extractions. Do the addition carefully and slowly. Also collect this solid by vacuum filtration, weigh it and and allow to air dry until next week.

Assigned Questions

  1. The original mixture was prepared  by using equal masses of the three compounds. Use this information to calculate the percent recovery of each compound. (The proper word here is "recovery" not "yield" because no net chemical reaction occurred. Instead we merely are recovering the unchanged components of the mixture.)
  2. Use the pKa's of the acids on both sides of your equations for the acid/base extraction reactions (see prelab assignment) to calculate the equilibrium constants for these reactions. Hint 1: the pKb of a base and it's conjugate acid are related by the equation, pKa + pKb = 14. Hint 2: You will need to look up values for the pKa of water and of HCl. Hint 3: You can use this equation to calculate pKeq from pKa's: pKeq = pKa(reactant) - pKa(product).
  3. What do your answers to question 2 tell us about how much of the carboxylic acid and amine should theoretically have reacted when reacted with NaOH(aq) and HCl(aq) respectively?