Chemistry 427 - Topics in Instrumental Chemistry

Dr. T. Nalli, Winona State University, Fall Semester 2021


 Course Syllabus

Credits  2 Semester Hours
Prerequisites Organic and analytical chemistry and instructor’s permission.
Class Meetings Tuesday and Thursday 10:00-10:50, Pasteur 307

Silverstein, R. M.; Webster, F. X.; Kiemle, D. J.  Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, 8th ed., Wiley: Somerset, NJ, 2014.

Catalog Course Description
Selected topics from the principles and application of the instrumental methods of IR, UV-vis, and AA spectroscopy; NMR and mass spectrometry; gas and liquid chromatography.
Overview The focus is on the interpretation of MS, IR and NMR spectra and the use of these spectra in the determination of compound structures.

Outline of Lectures

I. Review of isomerism, functional groups, resonance theory - 2 lectures

II. Chapter 1 - Mass Spectrometry - 5 lectures

III. Chapter 2 - Infrared Spectroscopy - 2 lectures

IV. Chapter 3 - 1H NMR - 8 lectures

V. Chapter 4- 13C NMR - 3 lectures

VI. Chapter 5 -  2-D NMR - 3 lectures


Minimum scores: A = 85%, B= 75%, C = 60%, D = 50%

Midterm exam

Final exam

Problem sets #1-4

Final problem set



7.5% each
