Dr. Nalli - WSU-Spring 2007; Principles of Organic Chemistry II Laboratory; Chemistry 351 

Guidelines for Lab Reports

Learning how to effectively report experimental results is extremely important in all of the sciences. Although the customary format may vary between discipline, a scientific report should be clear, concise,  and well organized and should make effective use of tables and graphs. Also, in keeping with the need for objectivity in scientific experimentation, scientific reports should be written in an impersonal, matter of fact style.

General Guidelines

Title Page

Results and Discussion Section - In this section you should present the results of the experiment in a concise and efficient manner. 

Results Tables. 


Answers to Assigned Questions

Conclusions Section - In this section you should interpret the results of the experiment and state the conclusions to be reached. 

       For preparative experiments (Expts 4-9)  the following points should be addressed.


Supplemental Information and Materials:


Products - Do not throw away the products from your reactions! They must be submitted for grading and proper disposal by the instructor.

Team Contribution Forms (TCFs)