Chemistry for Health Sciences
Chemistry 210, Spring Semester 2008, Winona State University, Dr. Tom Nalli

Lectures: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 11:00-11:50 PM in Pasteur 329
Laboratories: All sections meet in the Science Laboratory Center, Room  382. Section 01 meets
Thursdays at  2-4 PM. Section 02 meets Wednesdays at 1-3 PM. Section 03 meets Mondays at 1-3 PM.

Credit: 5 semester hours. This course fulfills an Arts & Sciences Core, Natural Sciences (with lab) requirement under the WSU University Studies program. 

Instructor/Contact Information: Tom Nalli (Pasteur 350, 457-2476,
Office Hours: see my full schedule at


Bettelheim, F. A.; Brown, W. H,; Campbell, M. K.; Farrell, S. O. Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 8th ed., Thomson Brooks-Cole, 2007.


We will use the Online Web-Based Learning  (OWL) system module designed to accompany the Bettelheim textbook. Assignments will be available to accompany each chapter in the book. These assignments should help you learn and master the material needed to do well on tests in this course. However, your grades on these  assignments will not be used in arriving at your grade in this course. In other words, doing the OWL homework is voluntary.  However, if you want to succeed in the course it is highly recommended that, you diligently keep up with both the chapter readings and the associated OWL assignments. 

Supplemental Instruction:

Supplemental Instruction will be available for this course. An upper-level student known to have mastered the content in this course will lead weekly problem sessions for students. More details will be available at the start of the semester.


Quizzes will be given at least once per week throughout the semester. Some quizzes will be non-lecture-time Desire2Learn quizzes so it is essential that you are able to access the WSU D2L site. Your average on the quizzes counts 10% toward the final grade for the course. The lowest quiz grade is dropped. 

Four midterm exams will be given. The midterm exams average counts 40% toward the final grade. The final exam is a comprehensive, standardized exam and counts 25% toward the final grade. Thus, exam grades will count a total of 65% toward the course grade. Your grade in the laboratory section of the course contributes the remaining 25% to the final grade.

In summary, the point scheme to be used in determination of the final grade is: Laboratory 25%, Quizzes 10%, Midterm Exams 40%, Final Exam 25%.

Minimum Scores:

to pass course (D) - 50% | for a C grade - 60% | for a B grade - 75% | for an A grade - 90%

Tentative Exam Dates and Coverage:

Midterm Exam 1 Thursday, February 7 (Chapters 1-7)
Midterm Exam 2 Thursday, February 28 (Chapters 8-14)
Midterm Exam 3 Thursday, March 27 (Chapters 15, 17-21)
Midterm Exam 4 Thursday, April 17 (Chapters 16, 22-26)
Final Exam Thursday, May 1 (Comprehensive)