Chemistry 210 Lectures and Textbook Chapters

Lecture Date

Chapter in Bettelheim

1/14 1 - Matter, Energy, and Measurement
1/15 1 - Matter, Energy, and Measurement
1/16 2 - Atoms
1/17 2 - Atoms
1/22 3- Nuclear Chemistry
1/23 3- Nuclear Chemistry
1/24 4- Chemical Bonds
1/28 4- Chemical Bonds
1/29 4- Chemical Bonds
1/30 5- Chemical Reactions
1/31 5- Chemical Reactions
2/4 5- Chemical Reactions
2/5 6 - Gases, Liquids, and Solids
2/6 6 - Gases, Liquids, and Solids
2/7 7 - Solutions and Colloids
2/11 Exam 1 (Chapters 1-7)
2/12 No Class - Assessment Day
2/13 7 - Solutions and Colloids
2/14 7 - Solutions and Colloids
2/18 10 - Organic Chemistry
2/19 10 - Organic Chemistry
2/20 11 - Alkanes
2/21 12 - Alkenes and Alkynes
2/25 12 - Alkenes and Alkynes
2/26 13 - Benzene and its Derivatives
2/27 14 - Alcohols, Ethers, and Thiols
2/28 Exam 2 (Chapters 8-14)
3/10 14 - Alcohols, Ethers, and Thiols
3/11 17- Aldehydes and Ketones
3/12 17- Aldehydes and Ketones
3/13 15 - Chirality
3/17 20 - Carbohydrates
3/18 20 - Carbohydrates
3/19 20 - Carbohydrates
3/20 18 - Carboxylic Acids
3/24 19 - Anhydrides, Esters, and Amides
3/25 19 - Anhydrides, Esters, and Amides
3/26 21- Lipids
3/27 Exam 3 (Chapters 15, 17-21)
3/31 21- Lipids
4/1 16 - Amines
4/2 22 - Proteins
4/3 22 - Proteins
4/7 22 - Proteins
4/8 23 - Enzymes
4/9 24 - Neurotransmitters amd Hormones
4/10 25 - Nucleic Acids and Heredity
4/14 26 - Gene Expression and Protein Synthesis
4/15 27- Bioenergetics
4/16 28 - Specific Catabolic Pathways
4/17 Exam 4 (Chapters 16, 22-26)
4/21 29 - Biosynthetic pathways
4/22 30 - Nutrition
4/23 31 - Immunochemistry
4/24 32 - Blood Chemistry
5/1 Final Exam