Chemistry 351 - Principles of Organic Chemistry II
Spring Semester 2022, Winona State University, Dr. Thomas Nalli

Useful Links

(please email me at of any dead links so I can update as necessary)

WSU Links
Chemistry Department Library Calendar Keap Diversity
Writing Center Bookstore Tutoring Services Warrior Hub

Software Downloads

  • Wsearch32 - GC/MS software for PC. Please use the file under Materials/Content/Software on D2L.
  • OpenChrom - Software for processing GC/MS files for Mac.
  • Delta - NMR processing software.
  • Accelrys Draw - Free molecule drawing software. You will need to register first before downloading.
  • ACD/ChemSketch - Another free molecule drawing software download.
  • ChemDoodle - Molecule drawing software for Mac or PC. Student license is now only $19.
  • Avogadro - Build virtual molecular models and carry out molecular mechanics calculations.

Study Aids

  • WSU Tutoring Center
  • Klein Organic Chemistry Student Companion Site
  • IUPAC Naming Tutorial
  • Chegg Study - Chemistry definitions and Q&A
  • Organic Chemistry OnLine - Free tutorials problem sets and practice quizzes/exams.
  • Organic Chemistry Help Message board at
  • Organic Chemistry Practice Problems at Michigan State University
  • Khan Academy Organic Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry Practice Multiple Choice Questions
  • Spectroscopy Problems at CU Boulder
  • CheMagic - Virtual Molecular Model Kit and Stoichiometry Calculator
  • email your Professor:
  • Databases of Physical Constants

  • Databases available through the WSU library Includes on-line archive of all ACS journals!
  • CHEMnetBASE. Try the Properties of Organic Compounds database.
  • Allows one to search for information by drawing the structure of the compound.
  • ChemIDPlus. Detailed toxicity data for 139,000 common compounds.
  • When all else fails try googling it!
  • GoogleScholar is a great way to access the primary literature.
  • Spectroscopy Databases

  • Database of Mass, IR, ESR, and NMR Spectra: NIMCR's ISDBS for Organic Compounds
  • Sigma-Aldrich also has NMR spectra:
  • Chemical Shifts compilation:
  • NMR Chemical Shifts of Trace Impurities: Common Laboratory Solvents, Organics, and Gases in Deuterated Solvents
  • Database of IR and Mass Spectra. NIST Chemistry WebBook
  • NMR Spectrum Predictor**
    **Do not put too much credence in the NMR predictors. These use empirical parameterization "i.e., fudge factors" (similar to the method described on pp 387-389 of the Mohrig lab text) to predict chemical shifts. The results obtained cannot by any stretch be used as "literature", or "theoretical" values. However, sometimes they can be used as a rough estimate of where your peaks should be.
  • Safety Data Sheets

  • Minnesota State Official MSDS site
  • SIRI MSDS Index
  • Avantor MSDS Search