Chemistry for Health Sciences
Chemistry 210, Summer Session II 2009, Winona State University, Dr. Tom Nalli

Lecture Meetings: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:40-12:20 PM in Pasteur 329
Laboratory Meetings: Tuesday, Thursday at  1:00-2:50 PM in SLC 382.

Credits: 5 semester hours. This course fulfills an Arts & Sciences Core, Natural Sciences (with lab) requirement under the WSU University Studies program. 

Instructor/Contact Information: Tom Nalli (Pasteur 350, 457-2476,,
Office Hours: Mondays 1:00-3:00 (You can also contact me by email on Wednesday and every evening between 8:00 and 10:00 PM.


Bettelheim, F. A.; Brown, W. H,; Campbell, M. K.; Farrell, S. O. Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 8th ed., Thomson Brooks-Cole, 2007.


Homework is not collected or graded in this course. However, students are expected to work all of the assigned chapter-end problems. To succeed in the course, you will need to be able to do problems just like these on the tests. Therefore, you will need to be disciplined and make sure you keep up with both the chapter readings and the problems. For checking your answers, you may wish to purchase a copy of the textbook study guide. However, the importance of working homework problems without looking at the answers cannot be overemphasized. Make sure you do not fall into the trap of looking at the question, then immediately looking at the answer, and thinking, "that makes sense". You will need to puzzle and work through a fair number of these on your own in order to get enough practice to do well on the tests.


Quizzes will be given frequently throughout the session. Some quizzes will be non-lecture-time Desire2Learn quizzes so it is essential that you are able to access the WSU D2L site. Your average on the quizzes counts 25% toward the final grade for the course. The lowest quiz grade is dropped. 

Four midterm exams will be given. The midterm exams average counts 50% toward the final grade.

Your grade in the laboratory section of the course contributes the remaining 25% to the final grade.

Summary: Laboratory 25%, Quizzes 25%, Exams 50%

Minimum Scores:

to pass course (D) - 50% | for a C grade - 60% | for a B grade - 75% | for an A grade - 90%

Tentative Exam Dates and Coverage:

Midterm Exam 1 Friday, July 10 (Chapters 1-7)
Midterm Exam 2 Friday, July 17 (Chapters 8-14)
Midterm Exam 3 Monday, July 27 (Chapters 15-20)
Midterm Exam 4 Friday, August 7 (Chapters 21-26)