Chemistry 351 - Principles of Organic Chemistry II
Summer 2014, Winona State University, Dr. Thomas Nalli

Expt #5. Part 1. Grignard Synthesis of 3-Methylbenzoic Acid

Relevant textbook readings - Mohrig Chapter 7.2-7.3. Smith Chapter 20.9-20.14.

Overview - You will prepare a Grignard reagent from 3-bromotoluene and then react it with solid carbon dioxide ("dry ice") to form 3-methylbenzoic acid, more commonly referred to as meta-toluic acid. The product will be analyzed by IR, 1H NMR and 13C NMR.


Preparation of the Grignard Reagent

All of the glassware needs to be very dry for this reaction to work, so the instructor will supply oven-dried kits to each lab group at the start of the lab. Each kit should contain: a 25-mL round bottom flask, two large screw top vials, a 50-mL Erlenmeyer, a 100-mL beaker, a Claisen adapter, a drying tube, and a Pasteur pipet. Roughly calibrate the pipet by making marks with a wax pencil or Sharpie as shown on page 45 in Mohrig.

Assemble a reaction apparatus suitable for the slow addition of a reagent under anhydrous conditions (Mohrig, Chap 7.5a). The basis for this apparatus is shown in fig 7.5a. However, a drying tube filled with CaCl2 needs to be placed at the top of the reflux condenser (similar to the setup shown in fig 7.2b). Also, you will need to use a 25-mL round bottom flask in place of the conical vial shown in fig 7.3. (Also note that the syringe does not get inserted until you are actually ready to begin adding a reagent using it.)

Temporarily disassemble the reaction apparatus so that you can add 15 mmol magnesium and a magnetic stirbar to the round bottom flask. Reassemble the apparatus.

Obtain approximately 40 mL anhydrous ethyl ether using your dry Erlenmeyer. This is your stock of ether for the first part of the reaction. Keep the flask capped when not actively removing ether from it.

Weigh a dry vial with cap. Add 15 mmol 3-bromotoluene to it and reweigh it to get the actual mass used. Add 8 mL ether (from your stock vial) and swirl to dissolve.

Add 2 mL ether (by syringe) to the reaction flask and begin stirring.

Add 1.5 mL of the prepared 3-bromotoluene solution. Stir with slight warming (cupping the flask with your hand works well or you can use a warm water bath (40-45 °C) but take care to not get water into the flask!).

Watch carefully for signs that the Grignard reaction has commenced. These include bubbles coming off the surface of the metal, gray/brown cloudiness to the solution, and signs of corrosion on the surface of the metal. If the reaction has not started on its own within 10 min of warming, then you will need to "jump start" it.

To jump start the reaction, discontinue warming and disassemble the rb flask from the rest of the apparatus. Working quickly, carefully use a dry spatula or glass rod to crush or break in half some of the Mg pieces. Doing so exposes unoxidized reactive surfaces on the metal which then allow the reaction to begin.

Once the reaction has started begin adding the rest of the 3-bromotoluene solution over a period of about 15 minutes. Maintain a rate of addition such that the solution refluxes on its own without external heating. If the addition is done too rapidly then the reaction may threaten to become too vigorous, in which case you should cool the flask briefly on a cold water bath (just enough to slow down the reaction take care not to stop it entirely). If the addition is too slowly, the reaction will start to subside as it runs out of starting material. If this happens to the point of it appearing that the reaction may stop altogether then it is important that you add more 3-bromotoluene solution and/or apply gentle warming to get it going again.

After all of the 3-bromotoluene solution has been added, add 2.0 mL ether to the vial it was in, rinsing to dissolve any remaining 3-bromotoluene and then add this rinse solution to the reaction flask. The reaction will naturally start to die out once all of the 3-bromotoluene has been added. Once it starts to do this, but before it stops entirely, apply heat from a warm water bath so as to keep it refluxing. Reflux on the warm water bath for 10 min and then cool to room temperature.

Reaction of the Grignard Reagent with CO2

Weigh out about 4 g dry ice and try to wipe off any surface condensation with a paper towel. (If the dry ice is in large chunks then you will need to wrap it in a towel and use a hammer to crush it into small pieces.) Place the dry ice in a dry 100-mL beaker quickly add 5 mL anhydrous ether and then immediately pour the Grignard solution into the beaker. Use a glass rod to stir vigorously for several minutes. Just before the dry ice has completely sublimed add 15 mL 10% HCl(aq) in small increments stirring vigorously.


(Note: for the remaining procedures the ether does not need to be anhydrous.)

Transfer the reaction mixture into a separatory funnel and allow the layers to separate. Drain the lower aqueous layer into a flask or beaker and then transfer the organic layer through the top of the sep funnel into a dry 125-mL Erlenmeyer flask.

Return the aqueous layer to the separatory funnel and extract it three times with 5 mL ether. For each extraction, first drain off the aqueous layer and then transfer the organic layer into the dry Erlenmeyer flask containing the first ether layer.

Extract the combined ether layers with three 10-mL portions of 5% NaOH(aq).

Acidify the basic extracts through the addition of 10% HCl(aq). (Use litmus paper to test the pH.) (You should be able to calculate the approximate volume of HCl necessary based on the amount of 5% NaOH used in the previous step.)

Chill the mixture on an ice bath to maximize precipitation of the water-insoluble product then collect the product by vacuum filtration.

Characterization. Obtain the mp as well as 1H and IR spectra of the final product.