Chemistry 351, Summer 2019, Winona State University, Dr. T. Nalli

Accessing and Processing NMR Data Files

Accessing NMR data files:

On a PC:

  1. The data files are uploaded to our class storage folder at \\\dfs\community\. This folder may already be mapped on your machine as the T: drive. If it is not then use copy and paste to enter the above address into a Windows Explorer address bar.
  2. Enter your username and password.
  3. Scroll down to the sub-folder 20201000215
  4. The data you need will be in the read-only sub-folder. You should copy all needed files to your machine for guaranteed easy access later.
  5. It is a good idea to create a shortcut to this folder by right clicking on it and selecting "send to Desktop (create shortcut)". Now you will have easy access to it in the future.

On a Mac:

  1. Open the "Finder"
  2. In the menu at the top of the screen click on "Go" and then "Connect to Server"
  3. Enter smb://
  4. Click Connect.
  5. Find the folder 20201000215\readonly. You should copy all needed files to your machine for guaranteed easy access later.

Note: One cannot open the NMR data files directly from the class storage drive, they must be copied to your own machine first and opened from there.

Installing Delta (software for processing NMR files):

For PCs running Windows:

  1. Enter (or use copy and paste) the following text \\appsrv1\apps\Installs\pc\Chemistry  into a Windows Explorer address bar. Or click on the search button, search for "run" then click on "Run - Desktop app" and enter the above text.
  2. Double click on Install_Delta_5.3.0
  3. Click Next
  4. Read the license agreement and then "click Yes. Continue installing"
  5. Click Next five times then wait while Delta installs
  6. Click Finish

    To run Delta, click your start menu then scroll down to the JEOL folder and click Delta 5.3.0

    You must enter a license key (Under Options, License Key) in order to keep the software open more than 15 min

    The license key is available in the "Install_Delta_PC_or_Mac.txt file" found in the above directory. It also can be found at the course D2L site. Start the Delta program then select "Installation" under the file menu and enter the license key there.

For Macs:

  1. You must be on campus and logged onto the WSU network
  2. Click Go -> Connect to Server (Hit Command+Shift+G from the OS X desktop or a Finder window to access the go menu)
  3. Type: smb:// and click Connect
  4. Drag the Delta_V5.3.0_macOS.dmg file to your desktop
  5. Double click on the Delta_V5.3.0_macOS.dmg file on your desktop
  6. The installer will launch and ask for your password.
  7. Click Next
  8. Click "Yes. Continue installing"
  9. Click Next
  10. Click Next
  11. Click Next
  12. Click Finish. Delta will be installed to the JEOL folder within your Applications folder.
  13. To run Delta, click on the Applications folder and go to the JEOL folder then click on Delta 5.3.0
    If you are prompted to allow Delta to accept incoming network connections click Allow.
  14. Once installed you will need to unlock the program by entering the license key, which is available at the course D2L site. Start the Delta program then select "Installation" under the file menu and enter the license key there.