( ; FF[1] GM[1] SZ[19] AP[Jago:Version 4.7] GN[20030712vernon-modulok_5] HA[0] KM[0.5] WR[22k] PW[vernon] BR[23k*] PB[modulok] DT[Sat Jul 12 10:24:11 EDT 2003] RE[W + R] C[Game played on IGS on July 12, 2003 vernon: Here is a favorite game of mine. The play was probably of low quality, but I managed to pull off a huge kill that ended it with a bang. My opponent did not notice that when I put a small group of his in atari, I also put another large dragon in atari. Sweet. I played white, and Black does well and is ahead for much of the game. The several games prior to this I had also lost, which made this victory all the sweeter. ] ; B[pp] ; W[dd] ; B[cp] ; W[qd] ; B[mc] ; W[oc] ; B[jd] ; W[pi] ; B[qk] ; W[fq] ; B[qi] ; W[qh] ; B[pj] ; W[oi] ; B[ri] ; W[rh] ; B[eq] ; W[fp] ; B[ip] ; W[cn] ; B[dk] ; W[dl] ; B[cl] ; W[cm] ; B[bl] ; W[cj] ; B[ck] ; W[en] ; B[el] ; W[dm] ; B[bj] C[vernon: This begins a disasterous set of moves, where I play too close and cannot stop my opponent from eating all of my potential territory. ] ; W[ci] ; B[bi] ; W[ch] ; B[bh] ; W[bg] ; B[ag] ; W[cf] ; B[bf] ; W[cg] ; B[be] ; W[bd] ; B[ce] ; W[de] ; B[cd] ; W[cc] ; B[bc] ; W[bb] ; B[ad] ; W[db] ; B[ec] ; W[dc] ; B[gc] ; W[ff] ; B[fd] ; W[ed] ; B[eb] ; W[me] ; B[md] ; W[ne] ; B[nd] ; W[od] ; B[nb] ; W[ob] ; B[le] ; W[lf] ; B[ke] ; W[oj] ; B[ok] ; W[kf] ; B[jf] ; W[lh] ; B[ej] ; W[ei] ; B[fi] ; W[eh] ; B[bn] ; W[bm] ; B[bo] C[vernon: Here is the genesis of the weakness that eventually causes Black's defeat. I eventually surround and kill the D9 group. ] ; W[dp] ; B[dq] ; W[co] ; B[bq] ; W[ep] ; B[fr] ; W[gr] ; B[fs] ; W[er] ; B[dr] ; W[gs] ; B[es] ; W[hq] ; B[iq] ; W[ir] ; B[kq] ; W[mq] ; B[oq] ; W[mo] ; B[mr] ; W[mp] ; B[lq] ; W[mm] ; B[om] ; W[on] ; B[pn] ; W[oo] ; B[nm] ; W[ml] ; B[po] ; W[jn] ; B[jr] ; W[nr] ; B[or] ; W[lr] ; B[kr] ; W[ms] ; B[is] ; W[hr] ; B[in] ; W[io] ; B[ho] ; W[jo] ; B[hp] ; W[hn] ; B[gp] ; W[gq] ; B[gn] ; W[hm] ; B[fm] ; W[fn] ; B[gm] ; W[fo] ; B[go] C[vernon: I had been hoping to kill L3, but I barely stayed alive myself. ] ; W[do] ; B[fh] ; W[fg] ; B[ge] ; W[fe] ; B[jh] ; W[hf] ; B[he] ; W[gg] ; B[if] ; W[ig] ; B[jg] ; W[nk] ; B[nl] ; W[mk] ; B[ih] ; W[jj] ; B[ij] ; W[jk] ; B[ik] ; W[il] ; B[hl] ( ; W[jm] C[vernon: Simple mistake] ; B[im] ; W[jl] ; B[kh] ; W[lg] ; B[ki] ; W[li] ; B[kj] ; W[kk] ; B[lj] ; W[mj] ; B[lk] ; W[ll] ; B[no] ; W[nn] ; B[np] ; W[jp] ; B[jq] ; W[hi] ; B[hg] ; W[gh] ; B[gj] ; W[fk] ; B[gi] ; W[hh] ; B[gf] ; W[hk] ; B[hj] ; W[gk] ; B[dj] C[vernon: he should have gone to E9. He allows a structural weakness that eventually kills him.] ; W[em] ; B[oa] C[vernon: huge mistake, he should save H5 by playing at E9.] ; W[pa] ; B[na] ; W[qb] ; B[sh] ; W[sg] ; B[si] ; W[rg] ; B[op] ; W[mn] ; B[ab] ; W[ii] C[vernon: At this point I am focused on trying to threaten his big center rooted at D9 in order to kill his dragon at L3. But I have to sneak up on it. I cut off D9 from the upper side. ] ; B[fj] ; W[al] ; B[ak] C[vernon: Bad move, should be B9. At this point I had D9 in my sights. ] ; W[am] ; B[an] ; W[ea] C[vernon: cannot play E9 yet because of liberty at D11.] MA[ek] ; B[fb] ; W[kp] ; B[lp] ; W[lo] ; B[fa] ; W[da] ; B[ba] ; W[ks] C[vernon: Quietly gobbling liberties. Don't spook the quarry. My D16 group looks vulnerable.] ; B[js] ; W[ls] ; B[di] C[vernon: He eats his own liberties to try to kill me.] ; W[dh] ; B[ji] ; W[ef] C[vernon: I breakup the nakade instead of E9, because if I go E9 and he goes B9, I have to go to F8 to kill L3. Then he plays E14 and my D16 group is dead. Besides, he doesn't see E9.] ( ; B[os] C[vernon: The final mistake. If he played E9, he would have won by 50 points. See huge number of variations. ] ; W[ek] C[vernon: KABOOOM!! He still doesn't realize I am threatening D9. ] ( ; B[fl] C[vernon: Had he seen the atari on D9 and played B9, White would still win by 5. See variations.] ( ; W[bk] C[vernon: He resigns here. L3 is dead also. Depending on the variation, white wins by 45. ] ) ( ; W[bk] ( ; B[cb] ; W[ca] ; B[bb] ; W[nq] ; B[ns] ( ; W[mr] ; AE[el][fl][fm][gm][gn][go][gp][ho][hp][ip][iq][is][jq][jr][js][kq][kr][lp][lq][im][in][hl] TB[aa][ac][ae][af][ah][ai][aj][ao][ap][aq][ar][as][bd][bp][br][bs][cq][cr][cs][ds][er][fc][ga][gb][gd][ha][hb][hc][hd][hf][ia][ib][ic][id][ie][ig][ja][jb][jc][je][ka][kb][kc][kd][la][lb][lc][ld][ma][mb][ol][pk][pl][pm][pq][pr][ps][qj][ql][qm][qn][qo][qp][qq][qr][qs][rj][rk][rl][rm][rn][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][sj][sk][sl][sm][sn][so][sp][sq][sr][ss] TW[bl][ck][cl][df][dg][di][dj][dk][dn][ee][eg][ej][el][eo][fh][fi][fj][fl][fm][gi][gj][gl][gm][gn][go][gp][hj][hl][hm][hn][ho][hp][hs][ij][ik][im][in][ip][iq][is][jq][jr][js][kl][km][kn][ko][kq][kr][lm][ln][lp][lq][mf][mg][mh][mi][nf][ng][nh][ni][nj][oe][of][og][oh][pb][pc][pd][pe][pf][pg][ph][qa][qc][qe][qf][qg][ra][rb][rc][rd][re][rf][sa][sb][sc][sd][se][sf] ) ( ; W[mr] ; B[aj] ; W[ah] ; B[af] ; W[ai] TB[aa][ac][ae][ao][ap][aq][ar][as][bd][bp][br][bs][cq][cr][cs][ds][er][fc][ga][gb][gd][ha][hb][hc][hd][hf][hm][hn][ia][ib][ic][id][ie][ig][ja][jb][jc][je][ka][kb][kc][kd][la][lb][lc][ld][ma][mb][ol][pk][pl][pm][pq][pr][ps][qj][ql][qm][qn][qo][qp][qq][qr][qs][rj][rk][rl][rm][rn][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][sj][sk][sl][sm][sn][so][sp][sq][sr][ss] TW[aj][ak][bh][bi][bj][bl][ck][cl][df][dg][di][dj][dk][dn][ee][eg][ej][eo][fh][fi][fj][gi][gj][hj][ij][ik][kl][km][kn][ko][lm][ln][mf][mg][mh][mi][nf][ng][nh][ni][nj][oe][of][og][oh][pb][pc][pd][pe][pf][pg][ph][qa][qc][qe][qf][qg][ra][rb][rc][rd][re][rf][sa][sb][sc][sd][se][sf] ; AE[el][fl][fm][gm][gn][go][gp][ho][hp][ip][iq][is][jq][jr][js][kq][kr][lp][lq][im][in][hl] TB[aa][ac][ae][ao][ap][aq][ar][as][bd][bp][br][bs][cq][cr][cs][ds][er][fc][ga][gb][gd][ha][hb][hc][hd][hf][ia][ib][ic][id][ie][ig][ja][jb][jc][je][ka][kb][kc][kd][la][lb][lc][ld][ma][mb][ol][pk][pl][pm][pq][pr][ps][qj][ql][qm][qn][qo][qp][qq][qr][qs][rj][rk][rl][rm][rn][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][sj][sk][sl][sm][sn][so][sp][sq][sr][ss] TW[aj][ak][bh][bi][bj][bl][ck][cl][df][dg][di][dj][dk][dn][ee][eg][ej][el][eo][fh][fi][fj][fl][fm][gi][gj][gl][gm][gn][go][gp][hj][hl][hm][hn][ho][hp][hs][ij][ik][im][in][ip][iq][is][jq][jr][js][kl][km][kn][ko][kq][kr][lm][ln][lp][lq][mf][mg][mh][mi][nf][ng][nh][ni][nj][oe][of][og][oh][pb][pc][pd][pe][pf][pg][ph][qa][qc][qe][qf][qg][ra][rb][rc][rd][re][rf][sa][sb][sc][sd][se][sf] ) ) ( ; B[ah] ; W[aj] ; B[af] ; W[ca] ; B[ac] ; W[nq] ; B[ns] ; W[mr] ; B[mf] ; W[nf] ; B[mg] ; W[mh] ; B[ng] ; W[og] ; B[nh] ; W[mi] ; B[of] ; W[oe] ; B[pf] ; W[pg] ; B[qf] ; W[rf] ; B[re] ; W[qe] ; B[rd] ; W[rc] ; B[pl] ; AE[of][pf][qf][mf][mg][ng][nh][rd][re][el][fl][fm][gm][gn][go][gp][ho][hp][ip][iq][is][jq][jr][js][kq][kr][lp][lq][im][in][hl] TB[aa][ae][ao][ap][aq][ar][as][bd][bp][br][bs][cq][cr][cs][ds][er][fc][ga][gb][gd][ha][hb][hc][hd][hf][ia][ib][ic][id][ie][ig][ja][jb][jc][je][ka][kb][kc][kd][la][lb][lc][ld][ma][mb][ol][pk][pm][pq][pr][ps][qj][ql][qm][qn][qo][qp][qq][qr][qs][rj][rk][rl][rm][rn][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][sj][sk][sl][sm][sn][so][sp][sq][sr][ss][aa][ae][ao][ap][aq][ar][as][bd][bp][br][bs][cq][cr][cs][ds][er][fc][ga][gb][gd][ha][hb][hc][hd][hf][ia][ib][ic][id][ie][ig][ja][jb][jc][je][ka][kb][kc][kd][la][lb][lc][ld][ma][mb][ol][pk][pm][pq][pr][ps][qj][ql][qm][qn][qo][qp][qq][qr][qs][rj][rk][rl][rm][rn][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][sj][sk][sl][sm][sn][so][sp][sq][sr][ss][aa][ae][ao][ap][aq][ar][as][bd][bp][br][bs][cq][cr][cs][ds][er][fc][ga][gb][gd][ha][hb][hc][hd][hf][ia][ib][ic][id][ie][ig][ja][jb][jc][je][ka][kb][kc][kd][la][lb][lc][ld][ma][mb][ol][pk][pm][pq][pr][ps][qj][ql][qm][qn][qo][qp][qq][qr][qs][rj][rk][rl][rm][rn][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][sj][sk][sl][sm][sn][so][sp][sq][sr][ss] TW[ak][bl][cb][ck][cl][df][dg][di][dj][dk][dn][ee][eg][ej][el][eo][fh][fi][fj][fl][fm][gi][gj][gl][gm][gn][go][gp][hj][hl][hm][hn][ho][hp][hs][ij][ik][im][in][ip][iq][is][jq][jr][js][kl][km][kn][ko][kq][kr][lm][ln][lp][lq][mf][mg][ng][nh][ni][nj][of][oh][pb][pc][pd][pe][pf][ph][qa][qc][qf][qg][ra][rb][rd][re][sa][sb][sc][sd][se][sf][ak][bl][cb][ck][cl][df][dg][di][dj][dk][dn][ee][eg][ej][el][eo][fh][fi][fj][fl][fm][gi][gj][gl][gm][gn][go][gp][hj][hl][hm][hn][ho][hp][hs][ij][ik][im][in][ip][iq][is][jq][jr][js][kl][km][kn][ko][kq][kr][lm][ln][lp][lq][mf][mg][ng][nh][ni][nj][of][oh][pb][pc][pd][pe][pf][ph][qa][qc][qf][qg][ra][rb][rd][re][sa][sb][sc][sd][se][sf][ak][bl][cb][ck][cl][df][dg][di][dj][dk][dn][ee][eg][ej][el][eo][fh][fi][fj][fl][fm][gi][gj][gl][gm][gn][go][gp][hj][hl][hm][hn][ho][hp][hs][ij][ik][im][in][ip][iq][is][jq][jr][js][kl][km][kn][ko][kq][kr][lm][ln][lp][lq][mf][mg][ng][nh][ni][nj][of][oh][pb][pc][pd][pe][pf][ph][qa][qc][qf][qg][ra][rb][rd][re][sa][sb][sc][sd][se][sf] ) ) ) ( ; B[bk] ; W[fl] ; B[gl] ; W[el] ( ; B[ah] ; AE[fm][gl][gm][gn][go][gp][hl][ho][hp][ip][iq][is][jq][jr][js][kq][kr][lp][lq][im][in] TB[aa][ac][ae][af][ai][aj][ao][ap][aq][ar][as][bd][bp][br][bs][cq][cr][cs][ds][er][fc][ga][gb][gd][ha][hb][hc][hd][hf][ia][ib][ic][id][ie][ig][ja][jb][jc][je][ka][kb][kc][kd][la][lb][lc][ld][ma][mb][ol][pk][pl][pm][pq][pr][ps][qj][ql][qm][qn][qo][qp][qq][qr][qs][rj][rk][rl][rm][rn][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][sj][sk][sl][sm][sn][so][sp][sq][sr][ss][aa][ac][ae][af][ai][aj][ao][ap][aq][ar][as][bd][bp][br][bs][cq][cr][cs][ds][er][fc][ga][gb][gd][ha][hb][hc][hd][hf][ia][ib][ic][id][ie][ig][ja][jb][jc][je][ka][kb][kc][kd][la][lb][lc][ld][ma][mb][ol][pk][pl][pm][pq][pr][ps][qj][ql][qm][qn][qo][qp][qq][qr][qs][rj][rk][rl][rm][rn][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][sj][sk][sl][sm][sn][so][sp][sq][sr][ss] TW[df][dg][dn][ee][eg][eo][fm][gl][gm][gn][go][gp][hl][hm][hn][ho][hp][hs][im][in][ip][iq][is][jq][jr][js][kl][km][kn][ko][kq][kr][lm][ln][lp][lq][mf][mg][mh][mi][mr][nf][ng][nh][ni][nj][oe][of][og][oh][pb][pc][pd][pe][pf][pg][ph][qa][qc][qe][qf][qg][ra][rb][rc][rd][re][rf][sa][sb][sc][sd][se][sf][df][dg][dn][ee][eg][eo][fm][gl][gm][gn][go][gp][hl][hm][hn][ho][hp][hs][im][in][ip][iq][is][jq][jr][js][kl][km][kn][ko][kq][kr][lm][ln][lp][lq][mf][mg][mh][mi][mr][nf][ng][nh][ni][nj][oe][of][og][oh][pb][pc][pd][pe][pf][pg][ph][qa][qc][qe][qf][qg][ra][rb][rc][rd][re][rf][sa][sb][sc][sd][se][sf] ) ( ; B[ns] ; W[mr] ; B[ah] ; W[nc] ; B[mb] C[vernon: W still wins.] ) ) ) ( ; B[ek] ; W[hm] ; B[hn] ; W[hs] ; B[fl] ( ; W[pm] ( ; B[ol] ; W[ql] ( ; B[rk] ; W[pk] ; B[rl] ; W[pl] ; B[rm] ; W[qn] ; B[qo] ; W[rn] ; B[ro] ; W[sn] ; B[so] ; W[sm] ; B[sl] ; W[qm] ; B[sj] ( ; W[qj] ; AE[qi][ri][sh][si][sj][qk][rk][rl][rm][sl][fk][gk][hk] ) ( ; W[os] ; B[ps] ; W[qj] ; B[pr] ; W[ns] ; B[nq] ; W[mr] ; AE[qi][ri][sh][si][sj][qk][rk][rl][rm][sl][fk][gk][hk] TB[aa][ac][ae][af][ah][ai][aj][ao][ap][aq][ar][as][bd][bk][bp][br][bs][cq][cr][cs][ds][er][fc][fk][ga][gb][gd][gk][gl][ha][hb][hc][hd][hf][hk][hm][ia][ib][ic][id][ie][ig][ja][jb][jc][je][ka][kb][kc][kd][la][lb][lc][ld][ma][mb][pq][qp][qq][qr][qs][rp][rq][rr][rs][sp][sq][sr][ss] TW[df][dg][dn][ee][eg][eo][kl][km][kn][ko][lm][ln][mf][mg][mh][mi][nf][ng][nh][ni][nj][nl][nm][oe][of][og][oh][ok][ol][om][pb][pc][pd][pe][pf][pg][ph][pj][qa][qc][qe][qf][qg][qi][qk][ra][rb][rc][rd][re][rf][ri][rj][rk][rl][rm][sa][sb][sc][sd][se][sf][sh][si][sj][sk][sl] ) ) ( ; B[pk] ; W[rk] ( ; B[qm] ; W[sj] ; B[pl] ; W[qj] ; B[rl] ; W[rj] ) ( ; B[rl] ; W[rm] ; B[rj] ; W[sl] ; B[sk] ; W[pl] ; B[rl] ( ; W[qj] ) ( ; W[qm] ; W[qj] ; W[qm] ; W[qj] ) ) ) ) ( ; B[qm] ; W[pl] ; B[pk] ; W[ql] ; B[rl] ; W[ol] ; B[rk] ; W[qn] ; B[sm] ; W[rm] ; B[rn] ; W[qm] ; B[qo] ; W[ro] ; B[sn] ; W[so] ; B[sl] ; W[sj] ; B[rj] ; W[rq] ; B[rp] ; W[sp] ; B[sq] ; W[os] ; B[ps] ; W[pr] ; B[qr] ; W[qs] ; B[pq] ; W[ps] ; B[rs] ; W[rr] ; B[qq] ; W[ss] ; B[sp] ; AE[sj][fk][gk][hk] TB[aa][ac][ae][af][ah][ai][aj][ao][ap][aq][ar][as][bd][bk][bp][br][bs][cq][cr][cs][ds][er][fc][fk][ga][gb][gd][gk][gl][ha][hb][hc][hd][hf][hk][hm][ia][ib][ic][id][ie][ig][ja][jb][jc][je][ka][kb][kc][kd][la][lb][lc][ld][ma][mb][qj][qp][ro][sj][sk][so] TW[df][dg][dn][ee][eg][eo][kl][km][kn][ko][lm][ln][mf][mg][mh][mi][mr][nf][ng][nh][ni][nj][nl][nm][ns][oe][of][og][oh][om][pb][pc][pd][pe][pf][pg][ph][qa][qc][qe][qf][qg][ra][rb][rc][rd][re][rf][rs][sa][sb][sc][sd][se][sf] ) ) ( ; W[ns] ; B[os] ; W[mr] ; AE[fk][gk][hk] TB[aa][ac][ae][af][ah][ai][aj][ao][ap][aq][ar][as][bd][bk][bp][br][bs][cq][cr][cs][ds][er][fc][fk][ga][gb][gd][gk][gl][ha][hb][hc][hd][hf][hk][hm][ia][ib][ic][id][ie][ig][ja][jb][jc][je][ka][kb][kc][kd][la][lb][lc][ld][ma][mb][ol][pk][pl][pm][pq][pr][ps][qj][ql][qm][qn][qo][qp][qq][qr][qs][rj][rk][rl][rm][rn][ro][rp][rq][rr][rs][sj][sk][sl][sm][sn][so][sp][sq][sr][ss] TW[df][dg][dn][ee][eg][eo][kl][km][kn][ko][lm][ln][mf][mg][mh][mi][nf][ng][nh][ni][nj][oe][of][og][oh][pb][pc][pd][pe][pf][pg][ph][qa][qc][qe][qf][qg][ra][rb][rc][rd][re][rf][sa][sb][sc][sd][se][sf] ) ) ) ( ; W[im] ) )