(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[gGo:1.0]ST[1]GN[20100706_Mark_Vernon] SZ[19]KM[0.0] PW[Vernon]PB[Mark]RE[B]DT[2012-01-29] C[The game was played on July 6, 2010 Black: Mark Girads White: Vernon Leighton Vernon and Dave Seaman comment. Black eventually won this game 61 to 36. See the variations near the end of the recorded part of the game. W could have won the game, either directly or later with a ko fight.] ;B[jj] ;W[pp] ;B[dd] ;W[cp] ;B[qd] ;W[od] ;B[ep] ;W[eq] ;B[oc] ;W[nc] ;B[lc] ;W[pc] ;B[fq] ;W[dq] ;B[pd] ;W[ob] ;B[qh] ;W[jc] ;B[le] ;W[gc] ;B[eb] ;W[ge] ;B[kb] ;W[jb] ;B[dj] ;W[jp] ;B[qq] ;W[pq] ;B[qp] ;W[qo] ;B[ro] ;W[qn] ;B[rn] ;W[qm] ;B[mq] ;W[mo] ;B[jq] ;W[kq] ;B[iq] ;W[lp]C[vernon: W miscalculates and thinks he can stop L2 with M2.] ;B[kr] ;W[lq]C[vernon: W realizes that M2 would be killed, so he allows B to play M2.] ;B[pr]C[vernon: B is hunting bigger game.] ;W[qr]C[vernon: W hopes that B will attack this stone and allow P2 in sente.] ;B[rr] ;W[or] ;B[qs] ;W[nr]C[vernon: W thinks he has tied up all loose ends here, but there is still aji at Q5.] ;B[mr] ;W[lr] ;B[oq] ;W[nq] ;B[po] ;W[op] ;B[on] ;W[pn]C[vernon: a horrible play here. W misses the danger at O4.] ;B[oo] ;W[om] ;B[np] ;W[ms]C[vernon: At least W 60 saves half of the W group.] ;B[oq] ;W[mp]C[vernon: W's L3 group is now alive, because K2 and P1 are miai. dave: and N3 and N4 were miai for the other eye, so this move seems unnecessary and small.] ;B[nn] ;W[nm] ;B[mn] ;W[pj]C[vernon: a play by W to save the R6 group, which he does, at some cost.] ;B[qj] ;W[qk] ;B[rj] ;W[pl] ;B[oe] ;W[qc] ;B[ok] ;W[ol] ;B[pk] ;W[nk] ;B[oj] ;W[nj] ;B[oi] ;W[ni] ;B[rk] ;W[ql] ;B[nh] ;W[oh] ;B[pi] ;W[mh] ;B[ng] ;W[lj]C[vernon: I believe that R6 is now safely alive.] ;B[nd] ( ;W[oc]C[dave: see variation.] ;B[cn]C[dave: I think that is the biggest move.] ;W[ne] ;B[of] ;W[md] ;B[dg]C[dave: another big play at the right time] ;W[cl] ;B[cj] ;W[do] ;B[dn] ;W[fp] ;B[fr] ;W[eo] ;B[cs] ;W[cr] ;B[es] ;W[bs] ;B[ds] ;W[br] ;B[js] ;W[os] ;B[bn] ;W[ld] ;B[kd] ;W[kc] ;B[ie] ;W[jd] ;B[ke] ;W[je] ;B[jf] ;W[mg] ;B[lg] ;W[nf] ;B[og] ;W[lh] ;B[hd] ;W[hc] ;B[jg] ;W[gd]C[vernon: This move was strong. It gives liberties to K17, and it creates a wall with which one can attack the corner. ] ;B[gf] ;W[el] ;B[dl] ;W[dm] ;B[dk] ;W[en] ;B[cm] ;W[em] ;B[gp] ;W[fo] ;B[jl]C[vernon: I was not convinced this was as good as it appears. W seems to be surrounding a large central territory, but B already has an intrusion into it at N6.] ;W[hm] ;B[jn] ;W[fj] ;B[gm] ;W[gn] ;B[gl] ;W[ek] ;B[fi] ;W[cd]C[vernon: I was proud of this move. It attacks B's very large upper left territory. ] ;B[ce] ;W[de] ;B[ee] ;W[ed] ;B[dc] ;W[ec] ;B[fc]C[vernon: B eliminates his own liberties here.] ;W[fd] ;B[fb] ;W[lb] ;B[gj]C[vernon: the three stone group centered at F18 appears safe, but there is a lot of bad aji that will kill the group in about 20 moves.] ;W[hf] ;B[hg] ;W[ho] ;B[ia] ;W[id] ;B[ki] ;W[li]C[dave: this move is small enough that you could probably sneak in B8, S16 or D18.] ;B[ml] ;W[nl] ;B[mk] ( ;W[mj]C[dave: I think this move could have been tenuki at the places I suggested in a previous comment. See variation if black tries to cut.] ;B[lk] ;W[kk] ;B[kj] ;W[mm] ;B[ll] ;W[db]C[vernon: W finishes the attack that was begun with the play at C16. B suddenly realizes the weakness.] ;B[df] ;W[cc] ;B[de] ;W[cb]C[vernon: W now has the corner.] ;B[in] ;W[hq] ;B[hr] ;W[hp] ;B[gq] ;W[ip] ;B[hn] ;W[go] ;B[aq] ;W[bp] ;B[bl] ;W[ao] ;B[bo] ;W[ap] ;B[rc]C[vernon: This is a valuable play. ] ;W[rb] ;B[sd] ;W[sb] ;B[mf] ;W[me] ;B[lf] ;W[be] ;B[bf] ;W[ad] ;B[lm] ;W[rm] ;B[rl]C[vernon: This game record is actually a bit inaccurate. Move 205 was actually at S9, and move 81 was at S8.] ;W[sm] ;B[af] ;W[kh] ;B[jh] ;W[an] ;B[am] ;W[er] ;B[so] ;W[gs]C[vernon: I threw this stone in without working out the variations. It should win the game, but I missed the winning continuation several times.] ( ;B[gr]C[vernon: Connecting at f1 does not work. See variation.] ( ;W[fs]C[vernon: Another chance to win, see variation.] ;B[hs] ;W[fs] ;B[gs] ( ;W[dr]C[Dave: the last chance to win the game. This is the game-losing move, obviously, as long as Mark doesn't fall for the trap. But even if he does it doesn't gain anything. Vernon could have redeemed himself by winning the ko, as he mentioned.] ;B[ir] ;W[fs] ;B[es] ;W[ds] ;B[kg]C[vernon: This is a bad move because of the possible Ko at the bottom. ] ( ;W[ls]C[vernon: Although the game record is not precise here (I had stopped recording a couple of moves ago), these moves were played. This move was very bad, as there is a ko that might win the game. It appears as though W has more sizable ko threats than B. See variations.] ;B[ks]C[vernon: After this, B won by 25 points on the board.] ) ( ;W[ks]C[vernon: This is the ko move I should have made. B might win the ko, but this was the last possibility of a win for W.] ;B[ls] ;W[co] ( ;B[ck]C[vernon: See variation if B does not defend the ko threat.] ;W[ks] ;B[mc] ( ;W[mb]C[vernon: Both in this line and in the variation where W ignores the ko threat, W is likely to win with a 6.5 komi.] ;B[ls] ;W[pe] ( ;B[ks]C[vernon: See variation if B responds to this ko threat] ;W[qe] ;B[qg] ;W[rf] ;B[rg] ;W[sf]C[vernon: If W has a 6.5 komi, W could win this variation.] ) ( ;B[qe] ;W[ks] ;B[bc] ;W[ls] ;B[bd]C[vernon: W wins on the board with this variation.] ) ) ( ;W[ls] ;B[nd] ;W[mb]C[vernon: This approximately plays to a tie on the board.] ) ) ( ;B[ks] ;W[bm]C[vernon: If W had a 6.5 komi, the result here would be very close, but likely still a B victory.] ;B[bk]C[vernon: B should win by about 10 on the board here.] ) ) ) ( ;W[ir]C[Dave: this wins for W. vernon: The final after this is about a 20 point win for W over the board.] ;B[jr]C[Now B only has one eye and is dead.] ) ) ( ;W[ir] ;B[jr] ;W[fs] ;B[hs] ;W[fs]C[vernon: B is dead.] ) ) ( ;B[fs] ( ;W[ir]C[vernon: If W D2, then B J2 saves a piece of the B group. See variation.] ;B[jr] ;W[dr] ;B[hs] ;W[gr] ;B[is] ) ( ;W[dr] ;B[ir] ;W[hs]C[vernon: If W g2, B h1 for similar ko.] ;B[gr]C[vernon: B is alive.] ;W[ks] ;B[mb] ;W[mc] ;B[ls] ;W[kg] ;B[ks] ;W[kf] ) ) ) ( ;W[rd] ;B[re] ;W[rc] ;B[mj] ;W[mi] ;B[mf]C[Otherwise white could connect here and live] ;W[mm] ;B[lk]C[M7 won't work or M8 would kill. M8 won't work or L8 will kill.] ;W[ll] ;B[kk] ;W[ln]C[Now white is connected to the bottom.] ) ) ( ;W[rd]C[dave: maybe better if you're worried about life? It will become a big move in the endgame.] ) )