( ; FF[1] GM[1] SZ[19] AP[Jago:Version 5.0] GN[20120822_RM_VL] PB[Reggie] PW[Vernon] RE[W] C[August 22, 2012 Winona Go Club Reggie McLeod (B) vs. Vernon Leighton (W)] ; B[dd] ; W[pq] ; B[dp] ; W[pd] ; B[qo] ; W[pl] ; B[oo] ; W[np] ; B[no] ; W[mp] ; B[jq] ; W[pi] ; B[nc] ; W[oc] ; B[ld] ; W[cf] ; B[fc] C[vernon: Whoops, this stone should actually be on G17 (x), not F17. Fortunately, the location of this stone (one of the few for which this is true) does not have a major impact on the game. ] M[gc] ; W[bd] ; B[cc] ; W[dj] ; B[op] C[vernon: Arguably, a questionable move. It helps W strengthen the corner. W's last move to D10 was a stretch (joseki is C11), so perhaps B could have invaded at C12 or D12. ] ; W[oq] ( ; B[mm] C[vernon: I would have tried to invade the corner with S3. W cannot cut the invasion off. See variation. ] ; W[qp] ; B[pp] ; W[qq] C[vernon: This corner is now thick enough (has enough eye potential) that threats can be ignored. ] ; B[mo] C[vernon: B decides to get out of the corner before being enclosed. ] ; W[pn] C[vernon: Stealing what little eye potential there was to this group. ] ; B[lp] ; W[cn] C[vernon: The solid lower right corner allows W to make a huge move in tenuki. ] ; B[lq] ; W[nq] C[vernon: W had a sente move, but he still has a cutting point at M5. ] ; B[cp] ; W[en] ; B[pm] ; W[qm] ; B[om] ; W[qn] ; B[ql] ; W[pk] ; B[rl] ; W[ro] ; B[on] ; W[po] ; B[pg] C[vernon: Good move by B. Now W has a number of threats. Q16 could get isolated and killed, and Q8 (x's) could get isolated. I decided to reinforce Q8, because saving it kills R8. Q16 is currently fairly strong.] M[pl][pk][pi] ; W[qj] ; B[ne] C[vernon: I think B should have tried to take the upper right corner while Q16 was weak. ] ; W[of] ; B[oe] C[vernon: This move is a thank you move which helps W strengthen the corner in sente. ] ; W[pe] ; B[pf] ; W[og] ; B[oh] ; W[re] C[vernon: Now Q16 is a large corner. ] ; B[nh] C[vernon: Not sure about this move. ] ; W[qf] C[vernon: Again, strengthening the corner in sente.] ; B[qh] C[vernon: This loose connection sets up disaster later. Better would be Q12 (x).] M[ph] ; W[rk] C[vernon: Guaranteeing the life of Q8 and the death of R8 in gote. ] ; B[bc] C[vernon: I think challenging W's left side is urgent. Perhaps C12 or C8. This helps W strengthen the upper side. ] ; W[ce] ; B[cd] ; W[ee] ; B[gp] ; W[ge] ; B[id] ; W[gn] ; B[ij] C[vernon: I think this should have been a deep attack, either C12, C8 or even F10 (x's).] M[cl][ch][fj] ; W[gj] ; B[bo] C[vernon: Personally, I think this was a thank you move. It helps me build the lower wall] ; W[bn] ; B[jo] C[vernon: MISTAKE in record. This stone is actually at K6. The correct move actually creates more possibility for W invading the lower left side. B feels the need to protect the cutting point at M5, causing this gote move. ] ; W[hh] C[vernon: Now a deep invasion is much tougher. ] ; B[ig] ; W[hg] ; B[ih] ; W[nj] C[vernon: Now that B is surrounding the right center of the board, this is W's last chance to cut into it. ] ; B[oj] ; W[ok] ( ; B[nk] C[vernon: I had been thinking B would play P11. See variation. ] ; W[oi] ( ; B[ni] C[vernon: I believe this is the move that starts B downhill. See variation. ] ; W[mj] C[vernon: The point where W takes the lead.] ; B[mk] C[vernon: I don't think this side needs protection as much as the upper side. Becuase K5 protected the cutting point at M5, the lower group is safe and attached to the lower left side. ] ; W[lj] ; B[kk] ; W[lh] ; B[kj] ; W[mh] C[vernon: The threat to Q13. ] ( ; B[ri] C[vernon: B misses the fork threat (or trap). He needs to play Q12 or O13. This move effectively loses the game. See variation for the best continuation. ] ; W[ph] ( ; B[ng] C[vernon: The alternative is worse. See variation. ] ; W[qg] ; B[nf] ; W[lf] ; B[ke] ; W[nb] ; B[mc] ; W[hl] ; B[od] ; W[pc] ; B[mb] ; W[ob] ; B[kf] ; W[mf] ; B[he] C[vernon: Another thank you move. It helps strengthen W's large territory. ] ; W[gf] ; B[gd] ; W[de] C[vernon: Though this is gote, it makes the left side even more solid. ] ; B[hi] ; W[gi] ; B[hj] ; W[hk] ; B[ho] ; W[hn] ; B[in] ; W[fp] C[vernon: I was concerned that B might still be close to parity, so I started this attack. This puts the last nail in the coffin. ] ( ; B[go] C[vernon: I had expected the cut at F5, which if the first variation were to happen would be a better path. ] ; W[fo] ; B[fq] ; W[eq] ; B[fr] ; W[ep] ; B[dq] ; W[er] ; B[hr] ; W[dr] ; B[cr] ; W[bq] ; B[br] ; W[ao] ; B[ap] ; W[bp] ; B[an] ; W[am] ; B[aq] ; W[ao] ; B[cq] ; W[an] ; B[co] ; W[do] ; B[be] ; W[bf] ; B[ad] ; W[ed] ; B[ec] ; W[mr] ; B[lr] ; W[ls] ; B[ks] ; W[ms] ; B[mq] ; W[nr] ; B[jl] ; W[lk] ; B[ll] ; W[nl] ; B[ml] ; W[ol] ; B[li] ; W[mi] ; B[ki] ; W[me] ; B[kh] ; W[pj] ; B[le] ; W[nm] ; B[mn] ; W[fd] ; B[gc] ; W[hf] ; B[if] ; W[im] ; B[md] ; W[oj] C[vernon: The last possible opportunity for salvation is closed for B. Even if W falls for this trap, W wins by 20 points. ] ; B[il] ; W[jm] ; B[km] ; W[hm] ; AB[jn] ; B[ik] ; W[af] ; B[ae] ; W[ma] ; B[la] ; W[na] ; B[kb] ; W[fs] ; B[gs] ; W[es] ; B[fl] C[vernon: 135 moves too late.] ; W[fk] ; B[dm] ; W[dn] ; B[fm] ; W[fn] ; B[ck] ( ; W[cj] C[vernon: D9 here might have opened up the middle left side for a live B group. See variation.] ; B[ek] ; W[ej] ; B[dk] ; W[em] ; B[nd] ; W[kg] ; B[jg] ; W[lg] ; B[cs] ; W[ds] ; B[mg] ; W[nn] C[vernon: W wins 99 (plus 0.5) to 54.] ) ( ; W[dk] ; B[cj] ; W[cl] ; B[dl] ; W[cm] ; B[ci] ; W[di] ; B[ch] ; W[dh] C[vernon: It doesn't look good for B.] ) ) ( ; B[fo] ( ; W[go] C[vernon: This is not as good a path as E4. See the variation. ] ; B[hp] ; W[eo] ; B[fq] ; W[ep] ; B[eq] ) ( ; W[ep] ; B[eo] ; W[go] ; B[hp] ; W[do] ; B[fq] ; W[eq] ; B[er] ; W[dq] ; B[cq] ; W[dr] ; B[cr] ; W[ds] ; B[cs] ; W[fn] ; B[fr] ; W[bq] ; B[br] ; W[ap] ; B[ao] ; W[ar] ; B[as] ; W[bs] ; B[bp] ; W[co] ; B[aq] ; W[an] ) ) ) ( ; B[qg] ; W[ng] ; B[mg] ; W[mi] ; B[mf] ; W[kg] ; B[lg] ; W[kh] ; B[kf] ; W[jf] ; B[if] ; W[jg] ; B[je] ; W[hl] ) ) ( ; B[ph] ; W[ng] ; B[mg] ; W[mf] ; B[lg] ; W[kg] ; B[lf] ; W[kf] ; B[le] ; W[ki] ; B[jh] ; W[kh] ; B[je] ; W[hl] ) ) ( ; B[mj] ; W[ni] ; B[mi] ; W[mk] ; B[nl] ; W[lk] C[vernon: This is likely to die.] ) ) ( ; B[oi] ; W[nk] ; B[pj] ; W[qi] ; B[ph] ; W[lk] ; B[li] ) ) ( ; B[rq] ; W[qp] ; B[rp] ; W[po] ; B[pp] ; W[pn] ; B[qq] ) )