(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.00] GN[20140415_Vernon_Paul]PW[Paul]PB[Vernon]DT[2014-04-15]C[Winona Go Club April 15, 2014 B: Vernon W: Paul B had a reverse komi of 24.5, but won by 2 points on the board.]RE[B+2.00]CH[1] ;B[pq] ;W[dd] ;B[qd] ;W[dp] ;B[oc] ;W[po] ;B[np] ;W[ql] ;B[pj] (;W[dj]C[PW-Perhaps W should do something for the two stones in lower right.] ;B[fc] ;W[cf] ;B[jd] ;W[jj]C[vernon: If in a fighting mood, perhaps H17 here.] ;B[fe] ;W[eg]C[vernon: I thought this was slow compared to K4. PW-I was trying to develop the left side and center.] ;B[jp] (;W[ol]C[PW-Inconsistent strategy. Perhaps G4 or H3 is better.] ;B[fq] ;W[dn] ;B[qj] ;W[qp] ;B[qq] ;W[gp] ;B[gq] ;W[hp] ;B[hq] ;W[gg] ;B[jn] ;W[gm] ;B[nj] ;W[rp] ;B[il] ;W[hk] ;B[if] ;W[oe] ;B[og] ;W[le] ;B[mf] ;W[kf] ;B[me] ;W[ld] ;B[md]C[vernon: The upper right is large, but F17 is getting surrounded and must live.] ;W[kh] ;B[db] ;W[cc] ;B[gf] ;W[hg] ;B[dr]C[vernon: Another sizable point grab in the corner.] ;W[cq] ;B[cr] ;W[lc] ;B[mc] ;W[jb] ;B[ic] ;W[cb] ;B[ec] ;W[lb] ;B[mb] ;W[ib] ;B[hb] ;W[no] ;B[mo] ;W[nn] ;B[ln] ;W[ml] ;B[fp] ;W[fo] ;B[eo] (;W[fn]C[PW-Probably better to just give up the G4, H4 stones (variation).] ;B[do] (;W[ep]C[vernon: I feel this move was bad. See variation.] ;B[co] ;W[cp] ;B[bo] ;W[bp] ;B[bl] ;W[br] ;B[er] ;W[bs] ;B[ap] ;W[aq] ;B[ao] ;W[cl] ;B[bm] ;W[bk] ;B[eq] ;W[en] ;B[bn] ;W[cm] ;B[dq] ;W[rq] ;B[rr] ;W[mp] ;B[nq] ;W[sr] ;B[pr] ;W[rs] ;B[qr] ;W[mq] ;B[mr] ;W[lr] (;B[lq]C[vernon: In the short run, this fails. See variation for O2.] ;W[lp] ;B[ns] ;W[kq] ;B[or] ;W[ko] ;B[jo]C[vernon: I decided saving J8 was more points and safer.] ;W[kn] ;B[jq] ;W[jr] ;B[ir] ;W[km]C[vernon: At thiis pont, I gave up on killing N4 or saving N5.] ;B[hl] ;W[gl] ;B[jm] ;W[ig] ;B[hd]C[vernon: Save F17 at least, to win with the reverse komi.] ;W[hf] ;B[he] ;W[ie] ;B[id] ;W[je] ;B[fg] ;W[fh] ;B[ef] ;W[dg] ;B[ff] ;W[df] ;B[kl]C[vernon: I was thinking I might save N5 after all. Not a clear plan, though.] ;W[ll] ;B[mi] ;W[kk] ;B[jl] ;W[ik] ;B[js] ;W[kr] ;B[rk] ;W[rl] ;B[kp]C[vernon: I was hoping that when W goes to save L5, I could catch M2.] (;W[ks]C[vernon: A blunder. See variation.] ;B[lm]C[vernon: This wins the game over the board.] ;W[ms] ;B[nr] ;W[qe] ;B[qg] ;W[qc]C[vernon: W has a great come back here, taking the corner.] ;B[pd] ;W[rd] ;B[rb] ;W[rf] ;B[rg] ;W[pc] (;B[od]C[vernon: I cannot find the kill. W lives in the variation.] ;W[rc] ;B[ob] ;W[pb] (;B[qa]C[PW-Black Q15 here might be an interesting to kill the invasion (variations).] ;W[pa] ;B[sb] ;W[qb] ;B[pe] ;W[re] ;B[pf] ;W[ed] ;B[fd] ;W[fa] ;B[gb] ;W[da] ;B[gd] ;W[mh] ;B[nh] ;W[lh] ;B[mg] ;W[al] ;B[bq] ;W[hn] ;B[dc] ;W[ea] ;B[cd] ;W[bd] ;B[de] ;W[ce] ;B[ee] ;W[cd] ;B[op] ;W[oo] ;B[lk] ;W[mk] ;B[lj] ;W[kj] ;B[ok] ;W[pl] ;B[mj] ;W[nk] ;B[la] ;W[ka] ;B[ma] ;W[mm] ;B[lo] ;W[ha] ;B[ga] ;W[ia] ;B[sl] ;W[sm] ;B[sk] (;W[rn] ;B[sf] ;W[sc] ;B[se] ;W[ra] ;B[kc] ;W[kb] ;B[fb] ;W[kd] ;B[jc] ;W[lg] ;B[li] ;W[ki] ;B[qs] ;W[sq] ;B[am] ;W[ak] ;B[hm] ;W[in] ;B[io] ;W[ho] ;B[ip] ;W[oi]C[vernon: W gets a couple of points for sente.] ;B[oj] ;W[qk] ;B[rj] ;W[jk] ;B[lf]C[vernon: Better at P19.] ;W[oa] ;B[na] ;W[cn] ;B[mn] ;W[ss] ;B[sg] ;W[pp] ;B[qf] ;W[sa] ;B[eb] ;W[ca] ;B[im] ;W[sd]C[B wins by 2 on the board. PW-Well done Vernon!]) (;W[sf])) (;B[pe] (;W[sb] ;B[ra] ;W[pa] ;B[qf] ;W[re] ;B[sf] ;W[se] (;B[sa] ;W[sc]) (;B[sc] ;W[sd] ;B[sa] ;W[qb] ;B[sc] ;W[sg] ;B[sb])) (;W[re] ;B[sf] ;W[se] ;B[sc]) (;W[qf] ;B[sf] ;W[se] ;B[sg] ;W[pf] ;B[of] ;W[sb] ;B[ra] ;W[qa] ;B[pg] ;W[re] ;B[sc] ;W[sd] ;B[oa] ;W[qb] ;B[pa] ;W[sa]))) (;B[rc] ;W[od] ;B[sd] ;W[pe] ;B[pb] ;W[qb] ;B[ob] ;W[se] ;B[qa] ;W[sc] ;B[ra] ;W[qf])) (;W[lm] ;B[ls] ;W[lo] ;B[ks] ;W[lq]C[vernon: W can even save M2.] ;B[qf])) (;B[nr]C[PW-Yes, this looks better] ;W[kq] ;B[kp] ;W[ir] ;B[jq] ;W[jr] ;B[ls] ;W[ks] ;B[ms] ;W[os] ;B[qs] ;W[or] ;B[op] ;W[lq] ;B[lp] ;W[kr] ;B[hr] ;W[pp] ;B[oq] ;W[is] ;B[hs] ;W[oo] ;B[iq] ;W[ps] ;B[js])) (;W[co] ;B[ep] (;W[en]C[vernon: This move doesn't work either. See second variation.] ;B[cn] (;W[cm]C[vernon: Maybe B6 would work here, presuming that W could kill C6. The variation is complex and uncertain.] ;B[bn] ;W[bm] ;B[bo] ;W[cp] ;B[bq] ;W[bp] ;B[ap]) (;W[bn] ;B[cm] ;W[bm] ;B[cl] ;W[bl] ;B[bo] ;W[cp] ;B[bk] ;W[bp] ;B[al] ;W[ao] ;B[ck] ;W[br] ;B[bh])) (;W[cn] ;B[en] ;W[em] ;B[ip]))) (;W[ep] (;B[fn] ;W[go] ;B[gn] ;W[en] ;B[fm] ;W[hn] ;B[hm] ;W[gl] ;B[in] ;W[ho] ;B[ip] ;W[do] ;B[io] ;W[eo]) (;B[go] ;W[fn] ;B[ho]))) (;W[gp]) (;W[hq])) (;W[qp]))