Library: Collections and Acquisitions: Vernon Leighton: My Misc. Links.

H. Vernon Leighton, Miscellaneous Links

Table of Contents

  1. WSU Library Task Links
  2. e-Reference links
  3. WSU Email

WSU Library Task Links

  1. LibGuides 2.0
  2. Alma Technical Login
  3. Workday
  4. Minnstate Zoom
  5. Sharepoint Library calendar
  6. Vernon Leighton Zoom Room
  7. WSU Proxy Admin Module
  8. EZProxy Database Stanzas
  9. HR Website
  10. Betterworldbooks control panel
  11. EBSCOnet
  12. Emergency databases without proxy
  13. Business Office
  14. Alma Training Videos
  15. Search libguides community
  16. PALS Tech Support Ticket System
  17. Minitex MnSPOC page
  18. Greenglass Control Page
  19. Ex Libris Documentation Center
  20. TAXES
  21. Wisconsin tax forms for libraries
  22. Minnesota tax forms for libraries
  23. Employee Home from MinnState
  24. Qualtrics at WSU
  25. Mediaspace for MinnState

Winona Faculty Association Links

  1. Winona Faculty Assocation Teams Site, Committees directory

E-Reference Favorites

Vernon Leighton Personal

  1. Blank
  2. The Game of Go (Wei chi, Baduk, Ba-dook)
    On the Internet Go Service, my handle is vernon there, too.
  3. Records of Go games I have played.
  4. NOTE: These games are in Smart Go Format, but because my website blocks files with the extension .sgf, I had to change the extension to .txt. To read these files in an SGF editor, you will have to alter the extension back to .sgf.