Rare Vertebrates of Minnesota and Wisconsin

BIOL 319 - Vertebrate Biology

Winona State University


During the semester, each student in Vertebrate Biology will be responsible for producing five (5) summary sheets for rare vertebrates from North America: one each for a rare fish, amphibian, reptile, bird, and mammal. Each summary will follow a standard format, and include the following features:

- common and scientific name (including author)

- current status in North America

- photograph of the species

- written description of its distribution in North America, plus a map of the North American distribution

- preferred habitat

- food habits

- brief natural history

- conservation and management

Summaries will each be a single page in length and will be due on exam dates. They are to be submitted in hard copy form only.  An example summary can be found here.

Below are links to the various rare species listings for Minnesota and Wisconsin.


 Rare species lists

