Chemistry 351, Summer 2019, Winona State University, Dr. T. Nalli

Useful Links

(please email me at of any dead links so I can update as necessary)

WSU Links
Chemistry Department Library Calendar Keap Diversity Center
Writing Center Bookstore Tutoring Services Warrior Hub

Software Downloads

  • Wsearch32 - GC/MS software for PC. Please use the file under Materials/Content/Software on D2L.
  • OpenChrom - Software for processing GC/MS files for Mac.
  • Delta - NMR processing software.
  • Biovia Draw - Free molecule drawing software. You will need to register first before downloading.
  • ACD/ChemSketch - Another free molecule drawing software download.
  • ChemDoodle - Molecule drawing software for Mac or PC. Student license is $29.

Study Aids

  • WSU Tutoring Center
  • Klein Organic Chemistry (2nd ed) Student Companion Site
  • IUPAC Naming Tutorial
  • Chegg Study - Chemistry definitions and Q&A
  • Organic Chemistry OnLine - Free tutorials problem sets and practice quizzes/exams.
  • Organic Chemistry Help Message board at
  • Organic Chemistry Practice Problems at Michigan State University
  • Khan Academy Organic Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry Practice Multiple Choice Questions
  • Spectroscopy Problems at CU Boulder
  • email your Professor:
  • Molecular Modeling

    Databases of Physical Constants

  • Databases available through the WSU library Includes full text of all ACS journals, Pub Chem, and SciFinder
  • CHEMnetBASE. Try the Properties of Organic Compounds database.
  • Allows one to search for information by drawing the structure of the compound.
  • ChemIDPlus. Detailed toxicity data for 139,000 common compounds.
  • GoogleScholar is a great way to access the primary literature.
  • When all else fails try googling it!
  • Spectroscopy Databases

  • Mass, IR, ESR, and NMR Spectra: NIMCR's ISDBS for Organic Compounds
  • Sigma-Aldrich is another place to look for NMR spectra:
  • C-13 Chemical Shifts compilation:
  • Proton Chemical Shifts compilation:
  • NMR Chemical Shifts of Trace Impurities: Common Laboratory Solvents, Organics, and Gases in Deuterated Solvents
  • IR and Mass Spectra. NIST Chemistry WebBook
  • NMR Spectrum Predictor**
    **Beware putting too much credence in the NMR predictors. These only predict spectral data based on a relatively small set of known compounds' spectra. The results obtained cannot by any stretch be used as "true",  "literature", or "theoretical" values. However, sometimes they can be used as a "guesstimate" of where your peaks should be.
  • Safety Data Sheets

  • Minnesota State Official MSDS site
  • SIRI MSDS Index
  • Avantor MSDS Search