Principles of Organic Chemistry I - Dr. Tom Nalli
Chemistry 350, Fall Semester 2010, Winona State University

Laboratory Schedule

Chapter references are to Mohrig, Hammond, & Schatz Techniques in Organic Chemistry, 2nd ed

Lab Days

Lab Activities

8/24 and 8/26

Establishment of teams and introduction to the lab (SLC 386).

Check in to lab supply drawers. Safety Rules. Lab notebooks. Lab grading.

8/31 and 9/2

Expt 1. Melting Point Determinations Chapter 10

Discussion of guidelines for lab reports and team contribution forms. 

9/7 and 9/9

No Labs

9/14 and 9/16

Expt 2. C-13 NMR of Alkanes and Alkenes Chapter 19.1-19.5, 19.13

9/21 and 9/23

Expt 3. Unknown Determination by NMR and IR Spectroscopy   Chapter 18-19.

Expt 4. Resolution of Enantiomers, Chapters 8 and 14.

9/28 and 9/30

Completion of Experiment 3. Cyclohexane modeling work sheets.

10/5 and 10/7

Completion of Expt 4.

10/12 and 10/14

Expt 5. Preparation of an alkyl bromide Chapter 7-8.

10/19 and 10/21

Expt 5. Preparation of an alkyl bromide Finish up and obtain NMR, GC-MS, and IR spectra of product. Chapters 11 and 20.

10/26 and 10/28

No Labs.

11/2 and 11/4

Expt 6. Synthesis of 1,2-Dibromo-1,2-diphenylethane.

11/9 and 11/11 No labs - Veterans Day

11/16 and 11/18

Expt 7. Dehydrobromination of 1,2-Dibromo-1,2-diphenylethane.

11/23 and 11/25

No labs - Thanksgiving

11/30 and 12/2

Check Out