Office Hours D2L Dept of Composite Materials Engineering

Professor Dennehy
Department of Composite Materials Engineering
Stark Hall 203F (507) 457-5276

CME 475 Design Project I

Drawing Standards and Conventions

guiding principal is to effectively communicate design information (clarity, legibility, not left to interpretation)

piece parts and assemblies

layout of views (the glass box)

Need to make sure that within the SolidWorks drawing module that the ANSI drawing standard (third-angle projection) is being used. The ISO drawing standard (first-angle projection) is used in Europe, in other areas of the world, and in some industries within the US. (also see

within the drawing module, right mouse click on the Sheet file, select Properties, and check/choose the "third angle" button under Type of Projection

(also within the SolidWorks part module if you want the four view display to show the projected views in their customary positions then go to Tools, Options, Systems Options, Display and at the bottom drop down box select "third angle")

for drawings

hidden lines visible (distinguish features behind plane of view, holes, break in plane, hollow parts/wall thickness)

tangent edges removed

dimensioning (see Elementary Dimensioning by Planchard, David C. and this geometrical dimensioning and toleranceing reference)

how will the part be manufactured

dimension in view where feature is shown

locate features from edges of part (be careful of tolerance stack up)

full circular features defined with diameter (how do you choose the drill bit?), arcs with radius

avoid duplicate (superfluous) dimensions

can use notes to define wall thickness, fillet radii throughout

for multiple features that are exactly the same use "__ places" or "__ x" to define dimensions

parentheses around a dimension indicates the dimension is for reference only

aerodynamic/hydrodynamic shapes defined by an equation or smoothing routine between planes (need to provide definition of planes)