Office Hours D2L Dept of Composite Materials Engineering

Professor Dennehy
Department of Composite Materials Engineering
Stark Hall 203F (507) 457-5276

CME 475 Design Project I

Design Alternatives

Developing the design alternatives to be submitted by each team is a two-step process. First, each team member will develop a design alternative. Then each team, following a review of the design alternatives from the team members, will be asked to put forward two design alternatives for the analysis phase that is to follow. The team's design alternatives may be taken directly from the one developed by a team member, from some combining of design alternatives from more than one team member, or a completely new design alternative prompted by looking over those design alternatives from members of the team. The information described below needs to be provided for each design alternative submitted by the team.

Each design alternative has to be sufficiently detailed so that its performance with respect to the design concerns can be evaluated in the analysis phase. At a minimum, each design alternative needs to include the following:

SolidWorks documentation

part file(s)
part drawing file(s)
assembly file
assembly drawing file (including parts list/bill of materials)

dimensions and tolerances (block tolerances control unless tolerances provided on dimensions)

recommended materials and proposed manufacturing methods in production

descriptions of assembly methods

Example drawings: assembly drawing and detail drawing.