Office Hours D2L Dept of Composite Materials Engineering

Professor Dennehy
Department of Composite Materials Engineering
Stark Hall 203F (507) 457-5276

CME 475 Design Project I

Presentation of Proposed Project

This is a team presentation - all members of the team are expected to participate equally

The presentation should be planned for around 8-10 minutes (not to exceed 10 minutes)

Presentation/communication skills will be evaluated

The PowerPoint slides and the writeup of the profitability determination/calculations are to be submitted into your team's folder for this course on the T: drive

Content (*the requirements shown below in italic type are not to be included in the presentation, but are to be submitted in writing as described above):

Introduce the proposed product

- provide an overview of the product area
- identify and quantify the target market (quantify annual demand in US)
- estimate portion of target market to be captured by proposed product (basis of annual volume)

Provide details on competing companies/products (in the specific segment of the market where the proposed product will compete)

- company (contact) information
- describe the product(s)
- pricing information
- initial product introductions and subsequent revisions/innovations
- provide information on products that have been unsuccessful in this market (if available)

Describe the product envisioned

- what differentiates the product from the current competing products
- highlight the use of composite materials in the product

- include additional detail for the product

- materials and purchased parts
- proposed manufacturing process (in production, given the expected annual volume)
- tooling
- equipment

Summarize the profitability of your product (see background information, all the calculations behind the summary numbers presented are to be submitted in writing*)

List of references (do not go over this slide, but provide it at the end of the presentation)