Office Hours D2L Dept of Composite Materials Engineering

Professor Dennehy
Department of Composite Materials Engineering
Stark Hall 203F (507) 457-5276

CME 475 Design Project I

Course Requirements

The overall course grade will be determined based on a total of 900 points as follows:

course grade (points) course grade (letter)
810 and above A
720 to 809 B
630 to 719 C
540 to 629 D
below 540 F

The 900 points will be distributed as follows:

presentation of project ideas (individual) (50 pts)
presentation of project ideas (team) (50 pts)
presentation of proposed project (50 pts)
proposed project profitability calculations (50 pts)
revised project proposal (50 pts)
soliciting customer input (survey instrument/questions) (50 pts)
soliciting customer input (summary of customer contacts) (50 pts)
design concerns table (50 pts)
presentation of design alternatives (individual) (50 pts)
presentation of design alternatives (team) (50 pts)
analysis report (75 pts)
decision matrix (50 pts)
final design description (50 pts)
design review presentation (first time) (50 pts)
initial design project website (50 pts)
proposal team member grade (50 pts)
design team member grade (75 pts)

During the semester grades will be posted in the applicable course folder found on D2L.

Attendance: Students are expected to be on time for each class and actively engaged throughout the class. Students wishing to be excused from class for legitimate reasons are required to inform Dr. Dennehy in advance why/when they will be absent. Each unexcused absence will result in 10 points being deducted from a student's overall course grade. In addition, a student will not receive points for an assignment if the majority of classes spent working on that assignment are missed due to unexcused absences.