Dr. Ted Wilson's Homepage

That was me at an altitude of 12,000 feet when I took students to study high altitude physiology in the Himalayan Mountains of India in 2006. We reached16,000 feet, how about that for hypoxia!

Scroll Down for Course Information:Click the blue links for AP Bio 211, Bio 212, and Cell Biology
Office Hours: If the door is open, as it usually is, you are welcome to stop by when ever you like.  But it is usually best to email me ahead of time (twilson@winona.edu) so I am sure to be here to meet with you. 
The best office hours are as follows: Monday 9-10am, 2-3pm; Tuesday 9-10am; Wednesday 9-11:45am, 2-3pm;  Thursday11-noon; Friday 9-11:45am, always to email or just stop by, if the door is open (it usually is) come on in and chat.

Anatomy and Physiology (Bio 212) Spring 2020
PLEASE READ THIS SPECIAL note to my students before opening other items below
Syllabus for Spring As Of April 22nd!
NOTE! You need to also use your WSU D2L for course content an assignment delivery.   
OpenLabHours: Closed for Rest of Semester
Supplemental Instruction: Your Awesome S2I instructors each have a bunch of online tutoring hours!  Students can sign in for tutoring appointments for as little as 15 mintues/session in advance by logging into TutorTrac from this website:  www.winona.edu/tutoring

Final AP 212 Semester Review Sessions by Zoom:

Monday April 27th: Endocrine and Blood

Wednesday April 29: Heart and Lung

Friday May1st: Kidney, Homeostasis and Digestion

AP212 Final Review Assignment:

What you have to do to EARN the 50 points: Hand-write a summary of 15 items you learned from each of the following 8 chapters: 17-Endocrine, 18-Blood, 19-Heart Anatomy, 20-Circualtory System, 22-Respiratory System, 23-Urinary System, 24-Ph and Electrolyte Regulation, and 25-Digestion. EACH ITEM MUST CONTAIN AT LEAST 10 WORDS. Please be sure to write this BY HAND (computer stuff is pretty easy to share and then copy paste right)? Submit this file anytime on Friday May 1st to the D2L Dropbox

AP212 Final Exam: 52 multiple choice questions-50 points D2L Monday 8-9am May4th.
Content from these practice quizzes/tests and 1 question/chapter from end of CH review questions I will modify a few words on most questions.  
Practice Quizzes and Tests:  Quiz1key,   Test1key,   Quiz2key,    Test2key,    Quiz3key,   Test3key, and PracticeAP212FinalExamkey 

Unit #3: Lecture Notes: Feb 28   March2   
Spirometry Assignment: Due in D2L Drop Box on Friday April 3rd. 
Lets make it easy: here is the key to the spirometry assignment   technically not "due" till Friday 4/17 but PLEASE do this and submit in D2L early ok? :-)
Post COVID powerpoint lectures without audio-visual annotation (Printer Friendly)

Respiratory Pre-Lecture Assignment: for 10 points answer the 20 questions at back of chapter 22-you need to complete and submit before D2L will let you watch the pre-recorded lectures online
Respiratory Powerpoints without audio/visual: March 6 to30   April 1and3

Urinary System Pre-Lecture Assignment:for 10 points answer the 20 questions at back of chapter 23-you need to complete and submit before D2L will let you watch the pre-recorded lectures online
Urinary Powerpoints without audio/visual:
 April 6    April 8and10 BonusCapillary filtration math for 4/10-help with powerpoint
GFR and Urinary System Assignment: 10 points due in D2L on Friday April10 5pm Urinary Assignment Key

Electrolyte and pH Regulation Pre-Lecture Assignment: for 10 points answer the 20 questions at back of chapter 24-you need to complete and submit before D2L will let you watch the pre-recorded lectures online
  Electrolyte/pH Regulation Powerpoints without audio/visual:  April 13 and 15

Monday th: Lecture test #3 taken online through D2L 8 to 9am.  Plan ahead to have reliable internet to take your test. Test covers chapters 22, 23 and 24: 50 points: 50 Multiple-choice and T/F questions plus 2 pts extra credit, content delivered via D2L.
Chapter 22: Practice Quiz  after taking the practice quiz, check answers on this KEY.
Practice Test: please don't do this till you have take and understood this practice quiz
Please remember that questions at back of each chapter should also be reviewed.
Practice Test#3 (print it if possible and take it) then look at your answers on this KEY.

Digestion Pre-Lecture Assignment-revised link: 10 points answer the 20 questions at back of chapter 25-you need to complete and submit before D2L will let you watch the pre-recorded lectures online
  Digestive System Powerpoints without audio/visual: April 20and22    April 24

Unit #2 Lecture Notes: February 3and7    February 10and12   Feb 14 and 16 
  Feb 19and21     Feb 24and26     
ECG Assignment: Due Wed Feb 19th...assignment KEY
Quiz#1: Wednesday last 20 minutes of class PracticeQuiz#2   PracticeQuiz #2KEY
Please remember that a practice quiz or test is only intended to help you convert lecture content into test content.  Please do not look at a practice test as a "study guide".
Pulse and ECG Rate Example
ECG Rate and Wave Amplitude Example
Left Bundle Branch Example
MEA Helper diagram    

Lab Activities for Unit#3: These will be posted around March 28th
These will be done at home and assignments will handed in to D2L Dropbox
    Exercise 8: Urinary Anatomy Lab and assignment at end of packet
    Exercise 9: Digestive Anatomy Lab and assignment at end of packet
    Exercise 10: Reproductive Anatomy Lab and assignment at end of packet  

Lab Activities Unit #2:
Week of February 17: Heart Function and the ECG
Week of February 24: Respiratory Anatomy and Blood Pressure
Week of March 2: Respiratory Physiology and Spirometry
Week of March 30: POST COVID You-Do-It-At-Home as best you can Exercise Physiology Lab: hand in assignment to D2L for 10 pts credit (Due 5pm Friday April 3).
FRIDAY April 10th Lab Exam #2: 8am (ECG, Resp Anatomy, Spirometry ann Ex Physiology labs) will be pretty basic and tentatively administered through D2L....details to be announced later
AP212 Safe Lab Use Agreement: Please print double sided, sign and return to Dr Wilson in Lecture during first week
AP212 Anatomy Bequest Video Link: http://mediamill.cla.umn.edu/mediamill/embedqt/22354
Cadaver Use Consent Form: Please print double sided, sign, return to Dr Wilson in Lecture during first week

Anatomy and Physiology (Bio 211) Fall 2019
Syllabus for Fall Updated to November 15
OpenLabHours: Mon 6-8am+6-8pm, Tue 6-8am+8-10pm; Wed 6-8am+8-10pm; Thur: 6-8am+6-8pm; Friday 6am-4pm, and Sunday 6-8pm
Supplemental Instruction: Monday 4pm or 5:30 pm;  Wed or Thursday 7pm  Where? Room 337 Pasteur Hall
AP211 Safe Lab Use Agreement: Please print double sided, sign and return to Dr Wilson in Lecture
AP211 Anatomy Bequest Video Link: http://mediamill.cla.umn.edu/mediamill/embedqt/22354   Cadaver Use Consent Form: Please print double sided, sign, return to Dr Wilson in Lecture,

Cell Biology (Bio 308) Fall 2019
Syllabus for Fall Updated to November 15

WSU Biology students Sarah Landin and Dan Wilson created this wonderful way to relax, try it before your next exam: Relaxation Breathing Exercise

Look at my CV to see what my publications and student research outcomes

Contact: Ted Wilson, PhD

Department of Biology

232 Pasteur Hall

Winona State University

Phone: 507-457-2485 

Email: twilson@winona.edu